Friday, December 30, 2005

Teh words commeth

...and now they are gone. I have spent twelve hours over the last two days writing furiously, squezing words out of my being like sweat out of pores and like corn out of orifices. It has been none to plesant. Today I have spent much time typing the damn thing up. Unfortunately I have come to the conclusion that it is shit. It started off alright, with good intentions and a completly realistic frame, but along the way it aquired an imaginary friend, a narcotic main character who is out of touch with reality and a fixation for the colour blue.

What the hell am I supposed to do? I know this is only the early draft stage, but I have to make the decision now as to weather I let it go completly wack or prune it back to it's realistic origins. The middle road of a balance between the two just seems like too much work to sucessfully do before wednesday. Oh well. I will sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.

In other news, I watched both the fantastic four movie and ong-bak, a newish martial arts flick. Ong-bak was really good, and very very gravity defying (no wires though!) and the fantastic four movie wasn't as bad as I expected. However, I think they needed to get the shit kicked out of them more before winning.

Well, now I am going to watch the midsummer murder special. That poor old inspector. where ever he goes, someone seems to end up dead. I wish I had his job.

My mum is bathing the dog in the sink. You can't give entertainment like this away!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

You smell funny

well, it is proably true. Alot of people do smell funny. You smell funny. I smell funny. Elmo smells funny. We are all just part of one big funny smelling blob. A blob of EVIL!

Well, today I helped clean up the house. I think it is the least I can do since I am eating my parents out of house and home. I have done nothing but eat since I got back from welly. Well, pretty much nothing. I have watched a lot of cartoons. But i haven't done my writing. I still have seven days to go, but I have to start tommorow. I have to. EVIL!

Garlic bread is a good thing. I like garlic bread alot. It may make me smell funny but it tastes damn good. The man who invented things in cans should have been awarded a nobel prize (yes, I know garlic bread doesn't come in cans, this is a completly different tangent). Thik of how difficult our life would be without canned food. We would have to go shopping every two days and would be unable to prepare for the zombie apocolapse. Prepare for the zombies! They come! EVIL!

Well, you get the picture. Anyway, it is past midnight so I had better not eat anything. You know what happens when you feed them after midnight.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Liquor is quicker

Last night I was the drunk. To get drunk was pretty much the only non-work thing on my list of things to do over the christmas break. And now I wonder why. I obviously haven't learnt any lesson from my drinking. It sill makes me feel like testicles, it still makes my money go away. It still makes me fall over.
The worst thing about drinking is the fact that it has far reaching repercussions. I was supposed to be doing stuff today. Now I am not.

There is a pavlova on the bench of my soul.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

morning in the crib

AHHH! I found out where all the stupid comes from! satan brews it in his big metal vats, deep below the earth, sends it via courier to Microsoft who then distill it for extra potency and pump it directly into every chat site/engine/MSN/cell phone/crazy frog song ever created. And all to keep us smoking. Dispicable.

In other news, the 18hour mark of awakedness has been surpassed. Soon the good cartoons will be on and I can free myself from this entropy machine. Nothing destroys entropy quicker than Samurai Jack. I wish I had FLCL.

Funyums are not Lugnuts. I think I have some icecream left. All is good in the manger.

Oh beerknuts!

Today it be christmas. My sister woke me up a 5.30am. In the morning. She is seventeen, and this is the only day of the year that she can get out of bed before 10 o'clock.

I got coffee.A mound of coffee. So much coffee I get the shakes just looking at it. It smells like caffeen. It tastes like caffeen. It is caffeen. i have just added it all up, and I have about 10kgs of coffee. If I used 20g of coffee each day then I would be able to stay awake for half of this year! all must beware. It is more than possible.

Tommorow is the last day of my self inflicted holiday, and then it is back to hundreds upon seconds of endless cancer causing writing. So before I am engulfed in a sea of work and sleeplesness I shall leave you with these chilling words of warning:

If you do it too much you will go blind.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Just covering the printing costs

does anyone ever, ever buy those meditation books off the street? no, didn't think so.
Street thing: 'Hello sir, today we are talking to people with over abundant face hair! Like to buy this...'
Flan: 'Stay away from me Hell beastie! My eyes inflate in your presence!'

Lots has happened to me dunring my absence from blogging. i have eaten a packet of Gingernuts. I have slept on our roof. I have 'aquired' a christmas tree. But most of all, I have been writing. oh so much writing. You think it ends, and then it divides through some unknown process of mytosis into seven more pages. And you know that it wont stop there.

At the moment I am back in the hometown. Foster's home for imaginary freinds is on, and I am waiting for 'Shaolin showdown' to begin. I have touched, shook, tasted and listend to all of my chritmas presents under the tree and, unusually, I don't know what any one of them is.

Woo! Monkeys online! Must. Tantalise. Featherduster. (The sane stopped a few days ago).

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

World Flat Wrestling

That's right! After many months of good intentions and hollow threats, the WFW has finally begun! unfortunately, even though I created all the characters, I am still wedged firmly in the middle of the WFW order. Bloody tourture rack. Gets me every time.
In other news, people reviewed my story that I submitted for workshop . It was met with mixed reviews. I am not surprised. I wrote it in three days. But all things are going well. At my current rate of progress I will be a millionare by this time next year. For now it is back to eating instant gravy on instant potatoes.

Christmas is nearly upon us! Fear his poison bite!

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Satan lives inside me. Between my kidneys, next to my spine. He eats my spine cartilage. Listening to Stained. Stuff sucks.