Friday, March 31, 2006

Public Humiliation

Last night I went to the bar. NOO! put down your stones! It was for a good cause!! And besides. I only had two jugs. Pretty good, huh?
Anyway, the good cause was that there was a trivia night, with the first prize being a $50 bar tab. ARH! Your stones hurt so much! Anyway, I was in a team all by myself, because I have noone in this world. They all went to 'Brooklyn', which is another word for that viking hevan place, and 'Auckland', which is another term for hell. Because I don't actually keep up to date with current affairs beyond attempting the crosswords in the Dom Post, I came last. But for my trouble I won:
3 Tui Tee-shirts,
3 Cans of Pesi max (Extreem to the MAX!)
3 False mostaces
and a frizbee disc.

My team name was POOS. Some people were stupid and dind't look at the board before they put up their name, so they were 'poos' as well. And crap.

Anyway, this weekend, I am going to tidy my room. This will proably take all weekend, as it smells like poos. So I have to wash everything, EVERYTHING, and dry it and find a new place to hide the babie corpses. It will not be an easy job. The lettuce men watch the house like hawks. I am sure they are stealing my fecal matter....

Well, wasn't that a disturbing tangent? Thats what reading too much T.S. Eliot does to ya. I just finished my essay, and I always find that concentrating for shuch a long period of time such as writing an essay makes me go something. Shopping? Don't mind if I do!

Civic Video, here I come!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

corrupt, dishonest criminals.

Yesterday, as I was obluting, I noticed that someone had put a labour party sticker on the stall door. underneath it, In biro, someone had written 'corrupt, dishonest crminals.'
This surprised me, not because of the statement, which may well be true, but firstly because it was spelt correctly (even with the number of students around it is very rare to find any corectly spelt desk/ toilet wall scrawl. Ecept in Von zedlits, where some of the Engl lecturors actually go around and correct it.) but also because I thought it was a bit of an overkill. Corrupt AND dishonest? Surely the two go hand in hand? Can you imagine a corrupt official that WASN'T dishonest?
"Yes, I did take the bribe. No, wait scratch that, thats no what I meant to say... I mean, Yup, I took the bribe and then turned a blind eye to that child pornography ring that I, in fact, had set up, so it wasn't really a bribe it was more like taking a bit of money and promising not to shoot myself in my own foot. It was a kickback of my own disgusting scheme. Damnit, I really should try to be less honest If I am going to be so corrupt."
See? Don't work to well, does it?

So anyway, that is the story of the most amusing crap I ever took.

In other news, at the moment I am PROCRASTINATING! Procrastination is one of those dirty little habits that are so addictive, and to date it is even more expesive than a crack habit, for if you take crack you wake up in a couple of days $200 poorer, but if you procrastinate too much you wake up tommorow, find out you have been dropped from your course, and now owe the government $1000. So I had better get onto me T.S.Eliot essay, then shouldn't I?

Yes, yes I should. At least this time I am making a reallly good go at it. I am using reasources

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

oh, wed nes day ies

Bloddy hell have I been burning both ends of the candle this week. In fact, I think someone has been holding a lighter up to my waxy middle part just for a laugh.
Well, the joke is on you, isn't it, Mr. Pyro? Because I survived 9 hours of work!
Yes! Put that in your pipe and somke it! And I hope you get toung cancer.

Now i am going to go home to bed. Sweet, evil smelling, sweaty bed.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oh bloody blah.

I need more sleep, goddamn it! Last night I had to help someone with a filmy thing, and I didn't get home until 12:30. To top it off, I only got four hours sleep. FUCK! unfortunately, I have an essay that I have to write today. Have to. I have five hours today, and five hours on thursday to blat out 2000 words at a level that is ok for 3rd year. It isn't going to be too easy, considering my mind juices at the moment.
In other news, all of you who are worried about my drinking 'habit', that it might cause 'cancer' and eventually 'death', I say, COMEON!! No honestly, I am giving it a break for a little while. After last weekend, I think I need to. so I is going to try to no drinky drink all this week, but next week, I am going on a BINGE!
Yup, to try and change my habits, my freinds have decided that I should binge. Binge on MILK! Next week, my goal is to drink as much milk each day as I would usually do beer. So that is about 3 litres of milk every day. It should help replenish all that precious calcium I have lost due to vitaman leeching alcohol. And then I am going to write it all down and send it to salient.

Anyway, no more procrastination, gotta go read some T.S. Eliot. He was a man with his head screwed on right.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The bubble has burst.

It has finally happened. My run of happyness has ofically ended. I knew it was going to happen at some stage, I had just hoped it wouldn't. I have been trying to stay drunk in an effort to ease myself back into depression town, but sometime very soon am going to sober up, and the whole of life in complete and utter focus will come down upon me like so many heavy square things.
There have been some things that I have been wondering about. One thing really, and that thing is women. What do they think about all the time? How do they operate? Why, when I woke up this morning, was I not hugging one?
It is one thing to feel all empty inside, like you have been hollowed out somehow. It's where your soul should be. People call that feeling 'life'. But it is quite a different feeling to wake up and know that you are completly alone outside also. All that you want is a little bit of contact with another human, the warmth of a hug, and a like mind ot talk to.
But it isn't happening for me. Nothing is comming together, and companionship eludes me. Is it too much to ask, God? Of course, he doesn't know. He has as much trouble talking to people as I do.

Hmm. That be some depress. Oh well. Till next time.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

How many?

How many times can I type 'holy shit' as a title to me blog? How many drinks did I have last night? How long was I dancing with the broom? These are questions that I do not have awnsers for. Yesterday was a 20 hour fetival celebrating booze, booze and booze. And sleaze. So much Sleaze. I was Sleaze king . I am sorry to all those people who I sleazed on. But I enjoyed it. I think. I cannot actually remember five hours of last night. That is the new record for a blackout for me. Usually I can remember pretty much every thing that goes on while I am drunk, but untill I saw the pictures this morning I did not know that I had stripped down to my boxers and played 'scare the guy with the shitty music by any means possible' for an hour.
So how much did I drink last night? Only god knows. I woke up yesterday at 8am, and I did not go to sleap until 8am today. All of that time, all of it, was dedicated to drinking. I had :
Six crate bottles of tui
Six cans of tui
Six glasses of a very alcoholic punch
Six shots of absinthe
Six hundred ml of jack daniels and coke.
Six was the number of the hour. I proably drank more than that, but I simply cannot remember. I am still drunk now, at fuckin pm. Life is so very good, and I love you all. Have fun.

Signing off, Drunken Flan.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Fuck yes friday.

damn am I pleased that the week is over. Thank all that is mighty. Today, work was bum. I was a little hungover from last nights 7 jug fest, and it was kinda busy. Also, for some reason, all the complete jack off decided to come in and order their jack off coffee.
Person 'I'd like a mazipini'
Me 'What the fuck is that?'
Person 'Well, if you don't know then I won't tell you'
Me 'Fine. Want any thing else?'
Person 'Yes, this.'
Me 'Sorry I can't see what "this" is. It's behind the till.'
Person 'THIS!' Waves coke in front of my face 'It's coke! You know, C.O.K...'
Me 'Get the fuck out of my cafe. Go now. Fuck off. Just fuck off.'
I got in quite a lot of trouble for that one.

Anyway, I got my extension yesterday, so tonight I am off to my freinds house. They said they wern't drinking. If they think that will stop me, however, then they... well, they should know better. I know them for yonks.

Now it's time to stop procrastinating and do an assignment. It's due at five.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Shock Horror!

I missed a post! Wow, how long has that been! Now the events of yesterday will be forgotten forever! Well, since it consisted on nine hours of work, I don't think it shall be missed.
Yesterday I got paid. $260 sweet sweet dollars. Sweet. I have $190 left. Sigh. Oh well, we know what will help that, now don't we? Beer. Damn straight.
But today I have to write an assignment, for it is due tommorow. I have done 2/3 of it, so that should not be too difficult. But I have to appy for an extention for my essay due on tuesday. Mainly because of the party that is happening oon saturday. because I am expected to be there. Because a party with out an absenthe drinking, pantsless Flan is not really a party at all.
I hopes I get it.
Well, gona have lunch now. The moment of truth happens at 1pm today. And then the Eastside happens.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Silent wind of doom attack!

Alright, so I don't get paid today. I get paid tommorow. Damn. I spent my last $7 on tui last night, and the freind who I always meet on tuesday, and proably the only person who reads this, wanted to borrow money from me. so I have no money. He has no money. we just sat around having no money together.
Well, work happened this morning. some deal really. Yes sir, coffee for you. Give me money, ect. except, today a girl who I have only talked to once before decided to spen a good half hour with me in aimless chatter, unlike most other people who decide that it would be beter to run away/ gouge own eyes out/ watch re-reuns of 'Barney' rather than talk to me. Ah, Barney. He's still funny. Because he's purple. And purple means you are gay.
So I have a bottle of wine at home, which I will proably hit once I get there, but at the moment I still have an hour and a half to kill. Usually I would be at eastside, preparing for the theatre tutorial that I have at four, which is UTTER HELL if you are sober. Yes, all sorts of brain numbing stupidity goes on in a theatre tutorial. So it helps if you have numbed your brain up a bit first.
Other than that, life be good. I will go home tonight and drink as I cook myself some dinner, which is the most fun ever. I don't know why, but I really enjoy it when I drink and fry. Wasn't there some sort of add campain against that? Proably, but really, there are more pressing things that need to be addressed through the medium of TV. Like people who like decaf coffee. They need bricks.

Oh, I wish I was a ninja. I would silent wind them sooo bad.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Another weekend, another drunken experiance.

Friday was st. Patricks day. You know that holiday about that saint that nowone knows what he did, perhaps because of all the drinking. I had forgotten about it, but by sheer luck had decided to wear a green shirt anyway. KARMA RULES!
So I set about the long and complicated process of drinking. First went to eastside, got drink. Then to Bodega, Got drunker. Then To kitty o'shae's. This is where the fun started.
There was a live band there, and there was no que to get inside. This was amazing, but it was five o'clock. I had fun dancing to the band, pretty much by myself, but as I said, I was drunk. Drunk, like having heaps of money, means you don't have to worry about much. Then I fell in love.
Ginneus. (I really have to learn how to spell this.) Ginnues, with a rasberry shot. The way my granddad has it. This is the drink of kings. It is wonderful. It is smooth, it is flavoured, it is 6% alcohol. I love it. I love it alot. When I have too much money to know what to do with, it is all I will ever drink.
But the fun don't stop til I drop, and I don't drop easily. I went out looking for a kebab, and instead found a salvation army caravan, giving away free stuff. No catches, just free coffee of juice. Briliance. I spent about half an hour there talking to the two very nice girls who were working the thing. Good times, good times. But it got better.
On the way to the Kebab place, a busker was playing a song I liked on his guitar. When he stopped I asked if he would let me play a set in return for a cig. He agreed, and the next half hour was great. I was too drunk to play anything really good, so basically stuck to Glycerine - Bush and Wonderwall - Oasis. And people gave me money! Ohh yeah! And said hey and crap! God bless you wellington, you all though I was a street bum. And you know, for one glourious half hour, I was.
Then I had a kebab and went home. The kebab was good.

In other news, on sunday I spent $50 dollars on groceries. I havent spent that much money on edibles since I have been in wellington. Avocardo is good. Then I spent $20 on wine. Wine is good. But I haven't drunken my two bottles yet. No. I am starting a wine celler. In my closet. Although I am proably going to have one bottle tonight. It is a Auzzie Shiraz that needs to be drunk, but the Merlot from Hawkes Bay can be kept for another year. Woo!

And tommorow I get paid. Does life get any better?
No. No it does not.

Friday, March 17, 2006


You know, the last week has been one of the best of my life. I have been ridiculously happy. Tapping me fingers, listning to music, watching 22 episodes of scrubbs in bed while eating cookies, playing some good games of pool, drinking, working, getting drunk, eating, being drunk at work, doing some school work, doing some writing, doing some sleeping. It has been oh so very good.
Usually when I have a really good day, I know that a really bad day is just around the corner. But now, for five days solid, I have been happy. I have been glad to be alive. I have enjoyed the sun. I have enjoyed the rain. It just does not matter what happens, I can find away of going along with it, and even if it is something unfortunate, like blogger deciding suddenly that I could only type in ariabic (see yesterdays post title) I have been able to find a way of looking at it from the outside and laughing it away. Cause it was pretty funny. I fall over? To a casual passer by it must have been hilairous.
So I have come to a conclusion. I have obtained spiritial enlightenment.
yup. I am fuckin buddah. I am the dali lama, I am life incarnate. I am master of zen. Life is fucin great, and I have it inside me. Take the good with the bad. live life to the full. If I wan't to get drunk, great. Want to stay in bed all day? Great. I even want to go to school. &am is a great time to wake up. I am a bubbling fountain of life and energy, and I don't think it will go away.

I just hope my body lasts as long as my life does.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

لإاثو صاشف فاث بعؤن؟

You know, the point of this blog is pretty much to record my life so that, because my memory is shot full of holes, I can remember it. Every now and then, however, I do something that I am not too sure about recording. like last night. Oh well, fuck it. The Immortal adventures of Flan live on! I hope my parents never find this.

As we all know, I am an alcoholic. It's fun, but it costs a fuck load of money. So last night, after I finished work, I picked up 18 bottles of Tui and went around to my freinds house. They live up a mountain. Ever tried carring 18 bottles of beer up a mountain? It helps if you drink them.
Anyhoo. Got there. Had a beer. What do I find? My freinds had won a fucin TUI FRIDGE. Its orange. It is godly. It is stocked with beer. We lit it from underneath anbd took photos. My resolve not to drink too much so that work might be bearable went out the window.
We went to town. We were drunk.
First stop- JJ Murphys, For some drunken pool.
Second stop- The big Kumera, for some drunken hitting on first years.
Third stop- shooters, more hitting on first years
Fourth stop- back to the kumera. Boy are we sad.
Fifth stop- Mermaids.
Now, if you don't know this, mermaids is a strip bar. All stripping, all the time. You kinda feel a bit, you know, dirty going into a place like that, but hey, it's not as though these people were forced into prostitution while fourteen or anything. So me and my two friends stayed untill 3am, drinking the night away. I... well, I got a lap dance. And you know, it was pretty good. Yup. Hey, I'm single. I can do these things. No law against it, is there?

Stop looking at me like that.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


-finsihed work

-going drinking

-going to town

-going back to work


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

nah, nah nah....

Whoo, another tuesday, and life is fine! Life is good, the sun is shining (or it was a moment ago...smoko time, perhaps.) Last night I was drunk, and that was good too. It was a freind of mine's 20th b-day, and so I turned up at her house with a bottle of vodka in my hand and two jugs of tui in my belly. We drank the vodka watching 'Bridget Jones' dairy'. I think someone should make a film about my blog. My crazy drunken antics would surely be a hit at the box office!
Because some people will watch anything.

Well, this morning I had work. And I was still slightly intoxicated. But the good kind of intoxication, the kind where even though you might have to think a little harder about what you are doing you don't mess up and it doesn't hurt, the kind of intoxication where your empty glass does indeed taste as good as the punch. So I got to talk to people and hang out and enjoy life and get paid for it. Getting paid is great. It will be even better when I actually get my first paycheck. Yum.
So now it is off for a quick pint or two, and then home. Tommorow is a big day of working, so I had better get some sleep. and beeer helps me sleep.

The title of this post means nothing whatsoever, by the way.

Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm a naughty boy

This morning, my 18+ card arrived. Now I can finnaly prove that I am over 18! The big fuck-off beard wasn't enough, apparently, but now I can go to bars.... sweet sweet bars. Where the drunk happens.
So I have done a bad thing. I got my overdraft extended by $500.
I SWEAR, I swear that once my first paycheck comes through I will pay it back and go back to my $1500 limit. I swear.
But now I have bought a $105 textbook which I sorely needed, and of course, a purchace like that needs a helpful jug of tui to let the nausea go away. Sweet sweet nausea.
But honestly, this week I am working from 8am every day and as I do not like serving double sout soy cappachino's to idiots while hung over, I will not be drinking too much.
This weekend, however, my good freinds who live up a mountain are having their 'official' flatwarming, this being about the third flatwarming that they have had. So I will surprise them all by turning up with my own alcohol purcased, by me. I am thinking that a visit from the pixie might be in order. And then I will go to town.

May the Pixie be with us, always.

Friday, March 10, 2006


Last night I went drinking. Apparently I drank too much, because today there is no money in my account. Only enough to just pay the rent today. In fact, after today, I will be over overdrawn. This is a very difficult thing to do, in where you go over your overdraft limit, but not by enough for the bank to hit you with a $25 dishoner fee. Still, me budget is god damn tight. I will get some money next week so as I can pay next weeks rent and my insurance, and all should be just fine. But there is always the chance that Greenpeace will take mony out of my account to feed the whales, and then I will be fucked.

So fingers crossed guys.

This weekend I have to start my assignments. This process will be helped by the fact that I have no money to buy me the alcohol. Still, I am hoping to be able to tutor a guy who works at eastside in the mysteries of shakesphere in exchange for free beer. That would be good. But apart from that, my sober life starts now, and will proably last the better part of two weeks. I expect it to be like a horrible waking dream from which there is no escaping.

I am not sorry that I drank copiously laast night, however. Not sorry at all.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Soy FUCKIN mocca

Well, just finished off three hours of work this morning. Morning shifts are good, because it doesn't really get busy untill about an hour before I leave. Stupid coffee drinkers. I got asked for all sorts of ridiculous stuff today.
But now I have three hours of classes. At least I am sitting down in them. Me feet hurt.
And then, EASTSIDE! The bar staff have been worried about me. They haven't seen me in 24 hours... and I cannot dissapoint my bar staff. They are lost without me.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

First day.

Today was my first day at work. at the cafe. where in my last post, I said I was working. DOES ANYBODY READ THIS?
Anyway, I now work in a cafe. On campus. It is good, because it is not far away from where I sleep. It's good.
So I turn up there, and get the quick lowdown on what I am going to be doing. They said
Boss Person: 'Hey this is your till. You press these buttons.' Boss person made a quick hand guesture.
Me: 'Ummm...'
Boss person: 'Then you take tehre money. Money goes in here!'
Me: 'Oh, all right.'
Boss Person: And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.'
Me:' Well, actually...'
But boss person had gone.
I had a few hours grace of looking at the till blankly and figuring things out in my head. Then it was 10am, and a horde of people came in. a hungary horde. All wanting food, but apparently, all unable to read.
Me: Im not sure, does it have a lable?
Me: Money? I'll just ask someone...'
Hungary Horde: ME FOOD NOW HURGH!
And so it went on, non stop, for about four hours, untill I point-blank kamehameha'd the next person who asked for a 'double trim soy latte bowl'. Unfortunately, that person turned out to be Brolly. All chaos ensured. Luckilly, at 3pm Neo arrived, beat the fuck out of brolly and made coffee. My saviour. And Harry Potter was arrested. But thats another rant.

But seriously, working wasn't too bad. I only have one 9 hour day, and any other time I have to work it is on;y for three hours. Next week I get to work 20 hours. By my calculation that means I will have A THOUSAND DOLLARS by next pay day.

Now I am off home to soak my feet in meths. Then I shall drink the meths. Then it all begins again.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The fourth sign of the apocolapse

What, you say? Flan, a job? Flan, alcoholic extrodinare, gutter drunk and generally all round unreliable guy? Someone hired that bearded, evil smelling, good for nothing, spawn of bitches, gooey looking...
All right, you do not need to rub it in. But yes, it is true. after 2 years of SWEET FUCK ALL, I have returned to the giving people for money industry. YAY! I have ten hours of work on wednesday, and three on thursday. By my figuring, that comes to THIRTEEN BOTTLES OF WINE a week.
EXCUSE THE CAPS. Booze makes me excited. At this rate i might be abole to acheive my life's goal - enough money for a bottle of wine a night, AND enough for some food! Wow! I am a king! A god amoungst men! I wash dishes for a living!
I am so fucking celebrating at eastside tonight. Fuck my previous resolution, I copped out yesterday anyway.

My life becomes completed!

Monday, March 06, 2006

alcohol is a DRUG!

Today, to celebrate my desicion not to drink untill my 18+ arrives, I spent a bit of time at the ALAC website, finding out how much a drinking habit will cost me in the long term. Awnser - CANCER! Apparently, drinking gives you cancer, all aver the place.
And then I did a small 'Are you drinking too much' quiz. They told me I should be dead. Anyway...
So that is this weeks goal - no drinking, at all. I was going to make my weeks goal 'paint every one of my nails a different color', but it only took me one day. People are apparently very disposed to give a strange man their nail plolish.
Meanwhile, on saturday night...
I went to a party in NEWTOWN. I should know by now that NEWTOWN holds nothing but dissapointment. I had my cutomary bottle of wine and went off, carrying my back up bottle. The party didn't start of too badly, with fire works and stuff, but then there was a horde of first years.
Some things about first years:
1/They don't drink, but still seem to enjoy life, when we all know that this should not be the case.
2/ The alcohol they do buy is expensive. Twenty-four pack of Tattoo (a vodka and cranbreei RTD)? Fuck, that is about $35! I remember the time I used to care how my alcohol tasted, having bicardi and the like, but we soon grow out of that.
3/ When you steal their alcohol, they will case you! Most people don't care, or are too drunk, but when I tried to leg it with a bottle of Jack Daniels, the guy ran after me! My god, the speed! That didn't save him, however, because after 1/2 hour I went right back in their and nicked it again. HAH! I didn't like the guy, because he made stupid jokes.
So that was my night. The hangover was glorious, one of the best I have every had. No headache, no puking, just brilliant calm. I love my life.

The CRC COUNTDAWN is now over. I still have a little money left, but from now on I am pretty much scraping along as I always have done. JOY!

Friday, March 03, 2006

The fun resides within!

Last night i was, DRUNK! Yes, just like every night. But this time was a little difference. I had a few people to keep me company! Usually, while drinking, I keep to myself - extreemly to myself, projecting a little anti-social feild around me, as you do in lectures and so forth, and sit at an empth table bopping my head leasurly to the music and staring in my amber.
but last night there was a hypnotist who was very entertaining, and after the person who saw that with me left, another two people came and sat with me. These people onle have a very slight knowledge of me, being the people who are the freinds of the flatmate who replaced me when I moved out of spasm's flat. But we soon found out that we had alot in common, and drank the night away, copiously.
I am still drunk, I beleive. I had twice my average amount of jugs of tui last night, so I have a right to be. The fun resides within me.

At the moment, it is a matter of trying to save $45 dollar for a couple of weeks, so that when my ID comes, I can buy a bottle of absinthe.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

seven different pains

Last night, I went to a gig! It was Elmeno P, Foamy ed and The Tali-band. That last one made me laugh, and since it cost only ten dollars, me thoughts said, 'URRGRAH WHY JSHN NOT?' because I was drunk.

But I liked Foamy Ed. I thought it was great. All girl punk band? I likes the punk, but usually all-girl groups, or 'vagina bands' as I like to call them, get on my nerves. Becuase, to get a group of decient musicians together you usually have to be pretty indiscriminant of sex, and so to have four or five girls on stage means that it is proably more of a gimmick aimed at either a) appealing to men b) appealing to women who like that 'girl power' crap or c) both. Going for a gimmick like that usually means that the music will be of a worse quality than it usually would be.

But Foamy Ed were good. DISTORTION! It was great to hear a band play some old school punk styles without crying about their dead freind. Emo is Punk's malformed and booze retraded offspring. The music was just about drinking beer and doing not much. Even the Tali-band were alll right. But then came Elemno P. And I left.
Because, since they are such massive stars and what not, they had to bring on their own drum kit.
Screw waiting around for that. The crowd was pretty pumped after the Foamy ed set, and then they played 'Enter sandman' through the PA. Good choice. People singing along. Then 'Boheminan Rhapsody'. Then "Smells like teen spirit.' Then some shit by scribble.
And the drums still wern't set up.

So I went home. I have sleeping to do, and the waiting around had killed my booze buzz. Today I woke up after a good nights sleep, for a change, and am in seven types of agony, my body not being used to the rigors of drunken moshing.

FUCK! almost out of money. But today I am going to get a job. At the uni, no less, which means I don't have to go anywhere. And my mum put $50 into my account today.
But still. The end is near.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Yup, it's a real word. Meaning: To feel like crap, usually because of the ingestion of substances.
Well, pretty much. I am not a walking dictionary. Obviously. Go look it up for yourself.
But I feel like crap. But not because of me drinking habit. No, not at all. I feel like crap because the sleep is not happening for me.
Usually I will go home and fall asleap between the hours of 8 and 10, then wake up between the hours of 8 an 10, feeling fresh as a fresh thing and smelling like fresh fish, to have a shower, eat some yoghurt and face a new day full on with all my might. Or with at least as much might as i can be bothered fulling.
But for the last few days, my sleep has been like this.
Get to sleep between hours of 8 and 10.
Wake up at about 12.
Stay awake, unable to sleep because of involuntary twitching, untill 5am.
Wake up again at 8, when my flatmate gets up.
I don't like feeling poos. Do you like feeling poos? I do not.
So I am going to the doctors today to see if I can go on the sleeping pills.

Now, If you haven't been on the sleeping pills before, then I shall tell you a bit about them now. They are a very interesting thing.
You take a tablet, bout half the size of a panadol, about half an hour before you want to sleep. Then, no matter what you are doing, BAM! Comatown, and you are mayor. Somone could shoot you in the face and you still wouldn't wake up. About nine hours later, when you do wake, it dosen't seem like you have slept. You cannot remember your dreams, but nine hours of your life has dissapeared. You don't feel particularly rested, but neither do you feel like crap.
And so, your days meld into one long adventure where you don't see any night. After a while, you don't know what time of day it is, let alone what day of the week.

Looking forward to it. (Sarcasm).
