Tuesday, March 14, 2006

nah, nah nah....

Whoo, another tuesday, and life is fine! Life is good, the sun is shining (or it was a moment ago...smoko time, perhaps.) Last night I was drunk, and that was good too. It was a freind of mine's 20th b-day, and so I turned up at her house with a bottle of vodka in my hand and two jugs of tui in my belly. We drank the vodka watching 'Bridget Jones' dairy'. I think someone should make a film about my blog. My crazy drunken antics would surely be a hit at the box office!
Because some people will watch anything.

Well, this morning I had work. And I was still slightly intoxicated. But the good kind of intoxication, the kind where even though you might have to think a little harder about what you are doing you don't mess up and it doesn't hurt, the kind of intoxication where your empty glass does indeed taste as good as the punch. So I got to talk to people and hang out and enjoy life and get paid for it. Getting paid is great. It will be even better when I actually get my first paycheck. Yum.
So now it is off for a quick pint or two, and then home. Tommorow is a big day of working, so I had better get some sleep. and beeer helps me sleep.

The title of this post means nothing whatsoever, by the way.

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