Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The fourth sign of the apocolapse

What, you say? Flan, a job? Flan, alcoholic extrodinare, gutter drunk and generally all round unreliable guy? Someone hired that bearded, evil smelling, good for nothing, spawn of bitches, gooey looking...
All right, you do not need to rub it in. But yes, it is true. after 2 years of SWEET FUCK ALL, I have returned to the giving people for money industry. YAY! I have ten hours of work on wednesday, and three on thursday. By my figuring, that comes to THIRTEEN BOTTLES OF WINE a week.
EXCUSE THE CAPS. Booze makes me excited. At this rate i might be abole to acheive my life's goal - enough money for a bottle of wine a night, AND enough for some food! Wow! I am a king! A god amoungst men! I wash dishes for a living!
I am so fucking celebrating at eastside tonight. Fuck my previous resolution, I copped out yesterday anyway.

My life becomes completed!

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