Friday, March 03, 2006

The fun resides within!

Last night i was, DRUNK! Yes, just like every night. But this time was a little difference. I had a few people to keep me company! Usually, while drinking, I keep to myself - extreemly to myself, projecting a little anti-social feild around me, as you do in lectures and so forth, and sit at an empth table bopping my head leasurly to the music and staring in my amber.
but last night there was a hypnotist who was very entertaining, and after the person who saw that with me left, another two people came and sat with me. These people onle have a very slight knowledge of me, being the people who are the freinds of the flatmate who replaced me when I moved out of spasm's flat. But we soon found out that we had alot in common, and drank the night away, copiously.
I am still drunk, I beleive. I had twice my average amount of jugs of tui last night, so I have a right to be. The fun resides within me.

At the moment, it is a matter of trying to save $45 dollar for a couple of weeks, so that when my ID comes, I can buy a bottle of absinthe.

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