Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oh bloody blah.

I need more sleep, goddamn it! Last night I had to help someone with a filmy thing, and I didn't get home until 12:30. To top it off, I only got four hours sleep. FUCK! unfortunately, I have an essay that I have to write today. Have to. I have five hours today, and five hours on thursday to blat out 2000 words at a level that is ok for 3rd year. It isn't going to be too easy, considering my mind juices at the moment.
In other news, all of you who are worried about my drinking 'habit', that it might cause 'cancer' and eventually 'death', I say, COMEON!! No honestly, I am giving it a break for a little while. After last weekend, I think I need to. so I is going to try to no drinky drink all this week, but next week, I am going on a BINGE!
Yup, to try and change my habits, my freinds have decided that I should binge. Binge on MILK! Next week, my goal is to drink as much milk each day as I would usually do beer. So that is about 3 litres of milk every day. It should help replenish all that precious calcium I have lost due to vitaman leeching alcohol. And then I am going to write it all down and send it to salient.

Anyway, no more procrastination, gotta go read some T.S. Eliot. He was a man with his head screwed on right.

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