Friday, March 31, 2006

Public Humiliation

Last night I went to the bar. NOO! put down your stones! It was for a good cause!! And besides. I only had two jugs. Pretty good, huh?
Anyway, the good cause was that there was a trivia night, with the first prize being a $50 bar tab. ARH! Your stones hurt so much! Anyway, I was in a team all by myself, because I have noone in this world. They all went to 'Brooklyn', which is another word for that viking hevan place, and 'Auckland', which is another term for hell. Because I don't actually keep up to date with current affairs beyond attempting the crosswords in the Dom Post, I came last. But for my trouble I won:
3 Tui Tee-shirts,
3 Cans of Pesi max (Extreem to the MAX!)
3 False mostaces
and a frizbee disc.

My team name was POOS. Some people were stupid and dind't look at the board before they put up their name, so they were 'poos' as well. And crap.

Anyway, this weekend, I am going to tidy my room. This will proably take all weekend, as it smells like poos. So I have to wash everything, EVERYTHING, and dry it and find a new place to hide the babie corpses. It will not be an easy job. The lettuce men watch the house like hawks. I am sure they are stealing my fecal matter....

Well, wasn't that a disturbing tangent? Thats what reading too much T.S. Eliot does to ya. I just finished my essay, and I always find that concentrating for shuch a long period of time such as writing an essay makes me go something. Shopping? Don't mind if I do!

Civic Video, here I come!

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