Thursday, March 23, 2006

Shock Horror!

I missed a post! Wow, how long has that been! Now the events of yesterday will be forgotten forever! Well, since it consisted on nine hours of work, I don't think it shall be missed.
Yesterday I got paid. $260 sweet sweet dollars. Sweet. I have $190 left. Sigh. Oh well, we know what will help that, now don't we? Beer. Damn straight.
But today I have to write an assignment, for it is due tommorow. I have done 2/3 of it, so that should not be too difficult. But I have to appy for an extention for my essay due on tuesday. Mainly because of the party that is happening oon saturday. because I am expected to be there. Because a party with out an absenthe drinking, pantsless Flan is not really a party at all.
I hopes I get it.
Well, gona have lunch now. The moment of truth happens at 1pm today. And then the Eastside happens.

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