Sunday, March 26, 2006

How many?

How many times can I type 'holy shit' as a title to me blog? How many drinks did I have last night? How long was I dancing with the broom? These are questions that I do not have awnsers for. Yesterday was a 20 hour fetival celebrating booze, booze and booze. And sleaze. So much Sleaze. I was Sleaze king . I am sorry to all those people who I sleazed on. But I enjoyed it. I think. I cannot actually remember five hours of last night. That is the new record for a blackout for me. Usually I can remember pretty much every thing that goes on while I am drunk, but untill I saw the pictures this morning I did not know that I had stripped down to my boxers and played 'scare the guy with the shitty music by any means possible' for an hour.
So how much did I drink last night? Only god knows. I woke up yesterday at 8am, and I did not go to sleap until 8am today. All of that time, all of it, was dedicated to drinking. I had :
Six crate bottles of tui
Six cans of tui
Six glasses of a very alcoholic punch
Six shots of absinthe
Six hundred ml of jack daniels and coke.
Six was the number of the hour. I proably drank more than that, but I simply cannot remember. I am still drunk now, at fuckin pm. Life is so very good, and I love you all. Have fun.

Signing off, Drunken Flan.

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