Thursday, March 30, 2006

corrupt, dishonest criminals.

Yesterday, as I was obluting, I noticed that someone had put a labour party sticker on the stall door. underneath it, In biro, someone had written 'corrupt, dishonest crminals.'
This surprised me, not because of the statement, which may well be true, but firstly because it was spelt correctly (even with the number of students around it is very rare to find any corectly spelt desk/ toilet wall scrawl. Ecept in Von zedlits, where some of the Engl lecturors actually go around and correct it.) but also because I thought it was a bit of an overkill. Corrupt AND dishonest? Surely the two go hand in hand? Can you imagine a corrupt official that WASN'T dishonest?
"Yes, I did take the bribe. No, wait scratch that, thats no what I meant to say... I mean, Yup, I took the bribe and then turned a blind eye to that child pornography ring that I, in fact, had set up, so it wasn't really a bribe it was more like taking a bit of money and promising not to shoot myself in my own foot. It was a kickback of my own disgusting scheme. Damnit, I really should try to be less honest If I am going to be so corrupt."
See? Don't work to well, does it?

So anyway, that is the story of the most amusing crap I ever took.

In other news, at the moment I am PROCRASTINATING! Procrastination is one of those dirty little habits that are so addictive, and to date it is even more expesive than a crack habit, for if you take crack you wake up in a couple of days $200 poorer, but if you procrastinate too much you wake up tommorow, find out you have been dropped from your course, and now owe the government $1000. So I had better get onto me T.S.Eliot essay, then shouldn't I?

Yes, yes I should. At least this time I am making a reallly good go at it. I am using reasources

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