Tuesday, May 31, 2005

We can make him stronger... faster... better a gaming...

This morning I had all my apointments. I am now INVINCIBLE! I am safe from all deseases known and unknown. And my teeth have had their holes removed. I was actually more afraid of the injection part but that was easy. The one hour tooth appointment that I have to have on thursday so I can retain my charming smile into my old age, however, do SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. So many drills.

My cousin is asleap on the couch. He is one year old and a texan. My mother is looking after him while his parents are out in napier...It is really scary how babies sleep... they can be screaming away and thrashing about one second and the next they are DEAD! This child hasn't made a sound for an hour. It hasn't moved either. Scary...
Observing my small cousin has made me think. It is quite likely that one that one day I myself might raise a small DNA copy of myself. And the thing is that I just don't know how. As far as I can tell they don't come with a manual, they can propell themslves surprisingly quickly on those short legs and they are top heavy. I am so damn scared that something will happen to this little guy when ever he is around me, how am I going to be able to cope when it's one of my own?
Im hypevetilating just thinking about it. Perhaps I should just carstrate myself now.

Anyway, apart from musings on my life, things are fine. I am still alive even after my date with the needels and the drills. Food is still plentiful. The child is still sleeping.


Monday, May 30, 2005

Hello Bum-freinds!

Some may be concerned about the amount of times I have blogged since the creation of 'highly flannable'. Don't be. It's just the novelty of the experience. Im pretty sure in a couple of days I will have forgoteen about you all completly but untill then you should hang around. There might be cake.
It's also because I have no life. None.

Remember that feeling you get when you cannot remember something? You thought of it only a miniute ago and thought: 'Wow, what a great, briliant idea!'. And in fact thats the only thing that you can remember about your thought. That it was cool.
Now this happened to me not too long ago. As I sat at this cruddy computer I could not for the life of me remember what window I was going to open as a portal to the near infinate information and greatness that is the world wide web. I sat and stared at the screen and begged to god that my memory would expand past the span of a goldfishes.
It worked, and it is the last time that I ever ask god for anything.
My great, fantastic idea was to log onto mIRC.
The thought that I had actually had a great idea and forgoten it was good. Realising that my idea of a 'great idea' was to log into a website full of idiots and the socially inept.
I am now quite sad. I am bearly a step away from becomnig one of those socially inept idiots. Want proof that all people in any chatroom are stupid? See here:

Boy, I whish I had proper ideas and talent.

Anyway, my main point is that before I was about to blog I was sure I had something importaint to say. As I opend the blog window I forgot what that importaint thing I was going to say actually was, and now i am afraid to try and remember it incase it turns out to be mIRC again. Hence the reason for this incoherant rabble.

Also, go here. It has ninjas:http://fourninjafoodgroups.blogspot.com/

'Rex the Powerhouse Manly'!

When you are a small man you must have a large name. And I mean that in all the senses.
So if you have ever played table-top RPG's or staying awake all night with the help of your mug of +1 magic coffee, you should check out www.commissionedcomic.com .

Today is monday. Monday is great when you don't have to do silly things like 'school' or 'waking up'. But tuesday is bad. Tuesday, tommorow tuesday, I have to go to the doctors to get the first of my meningitus innumisations (i cant even spell the bloody thing), then I go to the dentist to get my teeth doctored, and then I go to the optomertrist to get some glasses. The only plus is that I don't have to pay for any of this.
The negative is that I will soon be unable to talk, move my arm or go anywhere without geeky glases. So I plan to make full use of all my facilities and un-geeky good looks tonight by looking in the mirror and mumbling to myself while masturbating. TMI? Its just fair warning really.

Being at home is rather cool, if you put aside the pain and stuff. Mostly because there is enless amounts of food at my fingertips. Feel like a snack? I could have snickers bars, toast, smarties, a milkshake, ice cream, cake, biscuts of many varieties, cerial or a banquet. Even the vegetables are good. But then again, health does taste good when you have been living for the last month on cheese or cheese based meals. I know cheese is good and alot of people like cheese but you can have too much of a good thing. Especially if it's cheese. It's a silly name for a foodstuff anyway.

End now. Gotta watch Johnny Bravo.

Three things at three ay em

Well, it's not really 3am, it's 1am. But there are three things in this post so I thought I'd break them up into sections so you can peruse them at your leasure.

1) Cartoons and Technology

If you are going to be reading this blog at all, you had better like cartoons. I like cartoons, and while i'm in wiapuk and have access to sky I will be watching cartoons more or less constantly.Which means I'll be talking about cartoons more or less constantly. Right now Mucha Lucha is on. Those crazy mexicans.
The inner net is great, is it not? So many web comics, porn, and you can order pizza right from your computer chair. Which is really what electricity is all about. I bet when Ghandi first sat down to think up electricity (he didn't invent electricity, did he? Oh well, who ever did is dead now. DEAD! HA, ROT YA BASTARD!) he was obviously hoping that one day it would enable large, lazy fucks who have annexed themselves from society to order themselves a disc that consists mainly of cheese without having to even disconect from the internet and reach over to grab the phone.
Unless you have broadband. Then you could order a pizza from your computer and over the phone AT THE SAME TIME.
Really, the possibilities are endless. With the huge advancements in technology I am certain that sometime soon we will be able to take crappy, low quality pictures with our cell phones or something as equally stupid as that.
Perhaps someone will even design some sort of software that will enable me to draw something more artistic than a genderless chicken-beast. We can but hope.

2) Other blogs of coolness.

Two freinds of mine who also originated from me home town also do Bloggs! On Blogspot! What a tiny, tiny world.
They aren't in Waipuk any more for obvious reasons and I am sure they wouldn't want to be associated with me so I won't mention their names. But I will refer you on to their blogs. If you ever get sick of my blog, rife with incorrectly spelt words and homosexuality, then go to either www.jesusmonkey.blogspot.com or http://hinerangi.blogspot.com/ .
One of them is an insightfull and pretty cool politic / current affairs blog, while the other is pure filth. I'll let you find out which is which!

3) Emo

http://www.dobi.nu/emo/ . Why. Why why why. Where the hell did this concept come from? Why, if im to be an 'emotionally charged punk rocker' do I have to put plugs through my ears an situate a pin near my manhood? There's not much of it left! This, to me, is as strange as the concept of 'tweens' of the genre of 'crossover' books. Bloody lesbians. If I didn't know better (and I don't) I'd say this is some kind of euthinasa via peanuts cult. If any feel as disgusted by this bloody concept as I do, go here for instant gratification : http://seizurerobots.com/

Well well well. Three holes in the ground. Im going to go put myself down one. Until next time!

Sunday, May 29, 2005

A new hope...

These are just some of the domain names that I could not have because some other bastard with a pudding fixation had already taken them. And I was quite proud of 'contraflan'.
Anyway. Welcome to HIGHLY FLANNABLE!!?!
The reason for the birthing of this unholy terror known as "blog" is that i am at the moment, this very moment, in waipukurau. Home town, birthplace, and world, nay universal center of sweet fuck all to do. And there is nothing to watch on cartoon network tonight. God I love cartoons. At some stage I hope, I truly hope, that I will be able to wrestle with all the unfathomable features of photoshop, obtain some rudimentry knowledge of flash, sell my soul to satan (all hail the dark lord!) for some artistic ability and then maybe, just maybe, I will be able to put some sort of cartoon up here.
But don't hold your breath. Or else you will die.