Monday, May 30, 2005

Hello Bum-freinds!

Some may be concerned about the amount of times I have blogged since the creation of 'highly flannable'. Don't be. It's just the novelty of the experience. Im pretty sure in a couple of days I will have forgoteen about you all completly but untill then you should hang around. There might be cake.
It's also because I have no life. None.

Remember that feeling you get when you cannot remember something? You thought of it only a miniute ago and thought: 'Wow, what a great, briliant idea!'. And in fact thats the only thing that you can remember about your thought. That it was cool.
Now this happened to me not too long ago. As I sat at this cruddy computer I could not for the life of me remember what window I was going to open as a portal to the near infinate information and greatness that is the world wide web. I sat and stared at the screen and begged to god that my memory would expand past the span of a goldfishes.
It worked, and it is the last time that I ever ask god for anything.
My great, fantastic idea was to log onto mIRC.
The thought that I had actually had a great idea and forgoten it was good. Realising that my idea of a 'great idea' was to log into a website full of idiots and the socially inept.
I am now quite sad. I am bearly a step away from becomnig one of those socially inept idiots. Want proof that all people in any chatroom are stupid? See here:

Boy, I whish I had proper ideas and talent.

Anyway, my main point is that before I was about to blog I was sure I had something importaint to say. As I opend the blog window I forgot what that importaint thing I was going to say actually was, and now i am afraid to try and remember it incase it turns out to be mIRC again. Hence the reason for this incoherant rabble.

Also, go here. It has ninjas:

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