Thursday, February 22, 2007

Last legs.

Today I got my guitar, Tuesday, back from her clean-up/fix-up. She looks good, and sounds good, but unfortunately the prognosis is dire. A fret needs replacing and her neck is warped, kinda like the ribbon off a coke bottle. It would cost about $150 to repair properly, almost as much as she cost in the first place.
Then again, I have had Tuesday for about seven years now. Shes had a good life. We've shared many a good time together. So within the next year I am ging to have to buy a new guitar. Its not unexpected- kinda like putting down an old dog, but what am I going to do with her? I really dont want to simply get rid of her, but she is going to be pretty unplayable in a few years. Sigh.
Well, at least there are some funky new Takahame semi-accustics going at the moment for bout $350. Me thinks I might have to get me one of those. Takahame are a good brand of guitar. Ive always wanted one.
Another thing for my Course Related Costs, me thinks.

Ohhh, and next wednesday cool things happen. I'll post a picture when it does. Till then, I have a busy weekend ahead: Drinking and feasting and dancing aplenty.



J. Monkey said...

Yo, c'est Mel.

Guess what hugely interesting and exciting thing we did! We went to the Video Games Live concert. It was cool. But my eyes are still hurting from the light show.

We have no phone. And no internet. Obviously, this is killing Shane. Also, his cell is rarely on. You should come over sometime. Try Shane's cell phone, you might get lucky.

Our flatmates got drunk on Scrumpy last night, smoked in the living room, sprayed deodorant in a first-year-esque attempt to cover it up, cackled, lost one of their number at the Carnival and woke me up at two am to check said lost person made it home.

Flan said...

Yeah, damn that Cuba Carnival. Its just pure chaos. I actually got lost. At midday. In the streets of wellington! Well, I was hungover, but still...
Yes I deedy, I shall endevour to make my way to your place at sometome. Unfortunately at the moment I am working from midday till at least 8.30 at night. Not alot of spare time for frivolities.

HAH! You flat with first years!! You poor, poor people.