Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Apples and Oranges...

...go together like bananas and pears. IN A BLENDER.

Which actually makes quite a refreshing fruit drink, if you remove the skins and the pips and the flesh and all the fruit and replace the fruit with Ice Cream and replace the blender with a bowl and add a spoon, unmashed, for your eating with.

It wasn't too hard, especially if you don't actually start with the fruit at all.

Alchemy. Always trying to turn lead into gold. Why didn't they try something a little less challenging? It seems to me that people are always setting their sights a little high, weather out of greed, or often, out of lazyness: set your sights really high and you have the perfect excuse for when it doesn't work. Because it was impossible to begin with. But if you pent your time not trying to turn lead into gold but instead tried to turn fruit into vegetables all you would have to do is produce a tomato and start a discussion, and by the end of it not only would have the tomato changed between the two states during the conversation but you will have probably discovered quantum- no matter whether the tomato is fruit or vegetable, it is allways, at some level, somewhere, a really stupid disscussion that doesn't change it at all.

A metaphor for life in general? Perhaps. I don't really know. But as a metaphor it tastes good on toast. And isn't that all that really matters?

Yes. Mechanics of the universe aside, we wouldn't have many scientists if they forgot to eat.

In other news: The olympics are over. Let us now start the Large Hadron Collider and end the need for journalism.

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