Sunday, July 11, 2010

No, seriously, you can't make me.

Growing up. It's one of those terms that you have a strange relationship with. From when you are young and making sure that everyone knows that you are 8 and three-quarters thank you very much mr. butcher man I am a big boy but not big enough to not want my free saveloy to woo I'm 18 or whatever the age it is that you are legally allowed to drink/procreate/drive a vehicle and hoping that you stay that age forever but engaging in activities that make said age go past faster than a Concorde on speed and probably age you mentally just as much to the age in which I am now, 24, where there is a complicated process of nostalgia-for-the-good-old-days candy floss laced with the arsenic of sudden remembrance of what you actually did in those good old days, and it seems like the world is asking you to step right up to adult hood with its unfunny clowns and evil smelling ringleader with the seedy mustache which hides a leer that you know is directed directly at you...

Metaphorically speaking, of course. In short, you might be just a little afraid of what the future holds but have clear enough hindsight to see that you don't want to keep on going as you have been.

Welcome back to Highlyflannable! It's not really a mid life crisis but my younger sister is going to drop a sprog sometime in the next 6 months and I have a fairly serious female friend and these things make me think. I wonder what relationship I'll have with the aging process when I'm older. Hopefully I'll look back and think that I was an idiot who knew less than he thought he did and had the social grace of duckweed. That'll mean that as I get older I might just have learnt something.

And when I get really old I'll use my false teeth as a puppet in public, tell my grandchildren where their parents were conceived and generally push the limits of faking senility until even I don't know if the old loaf is working or not. That should be interesting if this blog is still around then.

There are many other things of fact about my life I could talk about but really, I think I'll just let you discover them through reading between the lines of the incredibly deep and complicated prose stylings of this publication.

Oh yes. I changed my profile picture too. Don't I look sagacious? Deep in thought? Scholarly? Would it surprise you to know that it was taken when I had passed put with my eyes open? Even if this is your first time here, gentle reader, you probably can.

In other news: WHY IS IT SO DAMN COLD?

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joven said...
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