Thursday, April 05, 2007

Back on the home turf

Yes, I am back in waipuk. I have many things to do while I am here but, becuase waipuk is an energy pirate, I do not know how many I shall get done.
Things to do:
- Read: The Illiad, The Golden Gate, My bloody poetry anthology.
- Write: The rest of the crazy short story I mentioned some posts ago, some more of my novel that has been on the back-burner for too long.
- Play: Guitar, with the hope of wiriting some songs, and FFXII.
- Sleep: In a bed. And that one I am going to do right!

More about the house/ random rambling on rubble / life nexttime on Highlyflannable: It hurts your kidneys not to read!

1 comment:

Flan said...

come on, that was all back in the before-now! Stop living in the before now dude!
And stop pretending to be a nineteen year old girl guide on the internets!