Monday, September 12, 2005

Doing the life limbo

Ever thought you couldn't get any lower with out falling and getting seriously hurt? That' s what I would think if I was playing limbo sober. As it turns out, I am neiter limbo-ing nor am I sober.
No, I am in relationship limbo, the worst kind of limbo next to existance limbo and the waiting-for-some-big-company-to-attend-to-your-call limbo. At least this limbo isn't punctuated with bad quality recordings of Kenny Rogers songs.

So, to say the least, creativity is at an all time low. I just managed to pump out a couple of short stories for the Sunday Star Times short story competition, but only because I had written them about a fourtnight ago and they only needed some very minor tweaking. Honestly, I feel about as creative and inspired as an exceptionally unemotional lump of coal.

in short, I feel sick.


Flan said...

Look, go away. I do not care who beggetted who. Even if they were monkeys. Or midgets. Or midget monkeys.

Oh, the fun of minitures.

J. Monkey said...

But it's genealogy Flan! GENEALOGY!!!