Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Two in a row

What am I doing? Two days in a row I have posted here. It comes from a lack of life I tells ya.

Tommorow I get money, so I am off to town with my good freind Giles to spend it. Money has no use burning my pockets, so why not spend it on booze and other nesisities? Like pasta and tomatoes. It's what I have survived on for the last week, which also means that each meal costs about 20 cents. You gotta learn to live like a damn hippy if you want to become a serious alkie.

In real life, NOTHING IS HAPPENING. The biggest event this week is my father's birthday. Good on the old man for getting a year older and everything, but it is a bit pathetic when you consider that my dairy has been counting down to his big day.

Off to sing a little song. Lalala.

1 comment:

J. Monkey said...

You need more articles about how white people are better than black people. AM I RITE OR AM I RITE!!!!!