Friday, September 02, 2005


Oh, how I love dial up connections. You see, you may think that I have just been to lazy or to drunk to post here but in reality it has taken the better part of the last month for ANYTHING TO LOAD! God damn kiwi online straight to purgatory, where it and it's unholy services will spend the rest of eternity listening to my theatre tutor. Whats that mr.tutor? you just spent the last two hours of my life on mind-numbing drivel? Seems I must now eat your family.

In the real world, life has not been good to poor flanny. (Thats right! Prepare for the bitch moan whine! Your ears will bleed in the boredom!) But with relationship problems and the taste of rank in my mouth each morning I think I am fully justified in only going to the minimal amount of classes needed to pass my courses. On a plus, however, this leaves plenty of time for writing. Damn you Sunday Star Times, I will win your $5000 which I will then spend on keg beer and scratchy tickets. In that order.

I have new jeans. one pair black, the other blue, both the same style, cut, price and purchaced in the same shop, at the same time. So tell me, why does is the black pair unable to stay on my comfortable hips and have a fly that is bent on exposing my shriveld lump of manhood to the world? No one wants to see that. I don't want to see that.

That bastard Satan has even infutrated postie plus. If he wasn't already, I would damn him to hell.

Going to massey today to play pool and drink beer. Untill then I will sit in the sun and do sweet nothing. And yes, I will still moan about how awful my life is.

Moan bitchy whine.

1 comment:

J. Monkey said...

Just remember, ANY situation can be made funnier if you play "Yakkity Sax" in the background. The War on Iraq? Saxaphones. Flood in Orleans? Saxaphone. The Third Reich? Sax that baby up a notch.

Now let's see Payday Loans match that post!