Sunday, September 10, 2006

Word Salad

Well, this has been a doozy of a weekend.
Start off by getting off of work, and trying everything to get my hands on some money. Student services, the food bank, hocking off food bank items to people, extorsion, even, *shudder*, Studylink.
"Hey there, I am in a bit of trouble. I need some money so I can get some meat to go with this bag of flour the food bank gave me. I heard you sometimes gave out food vouchers in dire situations."
"Well," Says Mr Studylink, "Why don't you have any money?"
"I don't have any work over the break. I tried to budget for this, but I fell a little short."
"Well, show me your bank statement."
I hand my bank statement over.
"Well, if you knew you were going to be off work for two weeks, you really should have gotten yourself another part time job to make up for the shortfall."
"Yes. Because two week long jobs grow on trees. Anyway, I just need $20."
"Yes, well, as I see it, you haven't exhausted every avenue. You could have sold an organ for money. But since you really need the money, I suppose if you can get me your tennancy agreement, your birth certificate, a signed note from your employer stating that you had no work for a week (that note needs to be verified by a JP, by the way) and a negative STI test then we can probably give you the money."

I hate you, studylink. So what I did was I did not pay my rent. It's ok, our flat account is far and above what it needs to be and I can make up the deficit before our next load of rent goes out. But still, I shouldn't have to resort to such matters. Services that are supposed to help people should, in fact, help. At least some of the time. Studylink is just bitter because we no longer have to pay them intrest on our loans. Well, boo hoo. Studylink also doesn't have to survive on caned Tuna.

After that disaster, Iwent to my friends flat to welcome their new flatmate. We had a few drinks and ended up at a twenty-first. Not alot happend there, I had a couple of cheap drinks and then we went back home. The next day I went to my other friends house where I was shanghied inside a car bound to Shannon.
If you aren't familiar with Shannon, you need to know that it is the one street hub of the rural district of Horowhenua, a distric concerend, like most of rural NZ, with sheep and rugby. The plan was to go and stay at a hotel in Shannon, pretty much for the fuck of it, and drink at the local bar, wake up in the morning, have pies at the very nice cafe there and then go back to Wellington. Unfortunately, things didn't go quite as planned. When we asked the hotel for a couple of rooms the hotel person said "URGNAH?" and banged her head on the bar repeatedly. Other patrons of the bar looked at us suspiciously and we backed away slowly so as not to entice them into what was only one broken jandal away from becoming a ruck.

So we went to Palmeston North. If you are not fammiliar with Palmeston North, you need to know that it is almost impossible to leave once you get into the tangle of it's flat streets with no land marks and that it's slogan is "STUDENT CITY". The sign with this slogan on it has a crude drawing of a Penis on it. We saw nobody around, and I ended up asleap in a friends place on a lounge chair after a few rousing games of drinking Jenga. The next day we went back to Shannon, and ate all the pies. (I had three. Between the five of us we had a total of ten pies.) And then we went back to Wellington, glad to have survived our ordeal and exdeedingly happy to see hills, buildings of note and people of culture.

I have only just gotten home. It has been one of those weekends where I just don't get back to my own bed. I have just been to see M. Night Shialaman's movie "The Lady in the Water." MNS's movies always sit in that little gray area for me between "Crap" and "Pretty Good" without passing through any of the imediatory steps.

In other news, I am finding that I am kinda in that grey area with my life. Things are really getting me down sometimes, and other times things are really really good. (Bet you didn't see this comming! Emotional rant after all that? What a mammoth post! Well, I don't have much else to do.) Having just 'asided' that I have nothing else to do, I have far to much to do. At the end of this week I have and assignment due, ditto with the start of next week. I have work. I have libary books that have to be returned. I have sleeping to do. Where the fuck am I supposed to fit in any kind of musing on existance and hopefully positive step taking to make sure I don't fall back into a pit of depression/ anxiety / stress from which there is no getting out of without a large ladder? People don't like that in your essays about Pope! And I don't own a ladder! Borrowing other peoples ladders takes time and patience and interation skills which I often find I simply do not have. So that is in part what this blog is for: expressing my emotions through horribly extended metaphors. I know it doesn't actually do any good long term, but it sure as fuck makes me feel better right now.

And right now I am going to go do some writting. All the ladder finding and /or essay writing can happen tommorow.

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