Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Well, just had my date with Clarisse. Drank too much coffee, but went pretty well. We just had a good chat for about an hour and a half, basically filled with all the mindless small talk that happens when two people who really dont know what their relationship to eachother is. But good just the same. It turns out that we are both pretty much socially inept at meeting people. Always a good starting point to have.
Oh well, now things shall just float around in ether untill we meet again, I suppose. No numbers were exchanged, only hazy plans about another meeting hatched, just have to wait until life throws us back together again I suppose.
But all is good, when your down in my hood, as they say. i wasn't stood up, and that, I posit, makes all the difference in the world.

Now I go off to work for what may be an 8 hour shift. GOOODIE! Ever noticed how the word "Goodie" also looks suspiciously like the words "Go die"? I thought not.


1 comment:

Mrs. Cocker-mills not related to Heather said...

wow, how very public. Not-so-smart me was confused by the pseudonym at first. Me