Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Halfway through an essay.

I dragged myself out of bed a 7am this morning (yes, there is such a time) so I might do some actual school work. It has been some time since I have had to write an essay, and I must be rusty, because even though I have been writing for a couple of hours and this is only a 200 level paper, I am only halfway through my word count. So I have decided to shelve said essay until thursday night when I should have a clear head capable of thating a fresh view which will fill another 800 words.
This would usually be fine, but unfortunately I have other demands on my time. Friday I have a "flat warming" for Hobbs, Lilith and Wendy's flat. Flat warming gets inverted commas here because they have already had several parties there and besides their living room is so small that, if you have more than three people in it, it heats up to roughly the heat of a kiln oven. I can feel my clay-ish insides harden at the thought. And the thought that I shall have to be close to quite probably many people who I don't know. I don't like socialising.
Then on Saturday I am expected to go to Palmeston North for an old school friends 21st. Travel, more unknown people... gah. And Sunday will be spent with that great monster friend of mine I like to call "Hangover Beastie". So, even if I do get this essay done on Thursday, I will only have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights to do another longer, harder essay that is due on thursday.

In other news, however, TONIGHT I ROCK! 9 songs, 9 somthings, 9 beers afterwards, and close to 9 hours of work the day after! Should be a good time.

Except for the work part. And the essay part. And the part which isn't me on stage, basically. Sometimes its hard being me.

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