Tuesday, June 23, 2009

In your face!

Or rather, in my face. And what was in my face was a squash ball. Hit, may I add, at large amounts of velocities. My lip swelled up and then stopped swelling and now is no longer swolen.

Which leads me to enter into my thinky state (oh no not the thinky state) where I am thinking: what the hell is with the human body? I just got hit in the face with a small, compact sphere of rubber, so your responce is deform my face so's I cannot leave the contry due to not looking like my passport photograph (which I do not have one of but if I did there would be trouble)? If you are a scientist, do not answer the following question because I actually just like complaining about things, but why is it a normal response for your body to swell up when hit? Is it to stop kissings happenening? Brusies aren't contagious, I hear, unless you are of a low socio-economic background. Is the throbbing there to make you aware of the injury and then stop you touching it/bannging into more things? Because I don't usually spend time prodding my lip unless It happens to be gigantic and throbbing.

Perhaps it is one of those things one was not ment to know. Like those dreams of falling when you suddenly wake and realize the dream was a little spunky... and you wonder why, because I definately do not have a boner for heigths. But anyway.




daveawayfromhome said...

The question isnt "why does your body swell when injured?", but rather ""why do people place themselves in harm's way in order to be injured and swell up?". Perhaps you just felt like looking like someone else for a bit? Enough swelling and you're ready for a crime spree which all the CCD's in the world couldnt pin on you (well, unless they followed you home on camera, then I suppose that'd get you).

By the way, if you're going to keep posting, I guess I'm going to have to move you out of the dead blogs category.

Unknown said...

Hmm... an interesting question. Obviously, if scars and crap are cool, then how much cooler is an inflamed, swolen, throbbing body part? And yes, I am completely aware of what I type. Men are, therefore, sado-masichisic in their mating ritual, the more battered the body, the more desired. At least, thats what we think. Females may, and often do, have a different idea.