Friday, July 14, 2006

Thirty hours of money!

Well, what a week. Almost all of it has been spent working. And working hard. Making coffee may not sound much like a trial, but it is when you have to open a cafe, serve customers without scalding them and try to remain happy, upbeat and curteous. I ownt bore you with the details, but it has been a tiring five days, and now I am looking to being able to sleep in tommorow.
And by sleep in, I mean sleeping past the hour of 7am. I bet half of you cannot even remeber what 7am looks like. Well, its dark. And cold. You aren't missing out on much.
Tommorow, however, will be much more fun. My mate and me, who together form the two peice guitar band "The" are performing and my mates flatmates party. Drinking and fun aplenty, we will be performing old "The" classics like "Apple Tree" and "Goats", but also have two new, super slick songs that will have to be heard to be beleived. Honestly. The subject matter for these songs are quite strange. Because thats what we are. Two strange men.
We have only just finished a jam session parctising and finalizing the set order. For those of you who are not so musically gifted, a jam session is when musicans get together to muck around and make up stuff. Usually they are fun and easy. The session that we just had, while being fun, has also left me feeling like I have been run over. I need sleep.

Make your money on MTV? No bloody thank you. That shit is hard.

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