Monday, July 17, 2006

The WEEKEND of all...stuff.

I did stuff over the weekend! I got conprehensably drunk, even though I cannot spell it, and played my guitar and sung for millions of people, give or take alot, and walked home from a suburb that is along way away from where I live, to spend my sunday iun bed because I had a hangover. And I lost my pants. Life is good.

I have just had my first tutorial for this trimester. It is a second year course, and god damn I am good. I haven't even touched the damn book that we were talking about and yet I have more of an idea about it than anyone else did. I am going to have fun on this course, I can tell. There is nothing like knowing that you can pass a course with both hands behind your back.
I know I am sounding a bit, you know, up myself, but honestly, something must click after you finish second year, becuase I am on fire. I love english. All I want to do in life is just hang around, read books and write a bit.

All is good.

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