Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A true fan?

Well, last weekend was fun. i left my home on friday at 4pm, and returned at 11.30pm on sunday. The time inbetween was filled mostly with eating. After Friday night, in which I drank much beer, danced, felt sorry for myself, had a guy try to get me out of bed by taking off his pants and then falling asleap, I then met up with a few friends for the mandatory hangover brunch at B4. Then we had gelato, which is a kind of ice thing with fruit in it, then we went to te papa, got scared by someone hanging around in that cave thing in the garden walk. Then we decided to go to Poriruha, ("It's amazing!") the city which seems to have been built haphazardly around a mall. And a badly organized mall at that. Will at the mall of Labrinth, we had sushi, ice cream and the wendys Sake and Dog. Then we went back to my friends flat where we played video games, ate fish and chips, followed by more ice cream, and I slept on the couch. The next day, much of the same happened, but with mroe left overs. Damn my friends, they are trying to fatten me up so they look better alongside me.
Say what you like about working 30hours while being a full time student, but you certainly have enouogh money to do whatever the hell you feel like. When you find the time to, of course.

So now onto the disscusion as hinted by the title of this rant. If any of you go to my previous post and look at the comment you will not find, as I expected, a post by ad-ware proclaiming that 'You have a relly interesting blog, I liked it, maybe you would like my blog to it is called "lawnmower.shopandsave.blogspot.com" it think you would really like it", but rather a comment which may be semi-genuine. Sorry if this hurts someones feelings, but I would not put it past one of my friends to actually start a blog somewhere soley to lure me into a false hope of compainionship with someone outside my usual relm of everyday activitiy. I'm looking at you, I**, G****, and especially you D****, after that masterfully planned cell phone prank, in which he had me and my worst enemy hitting on each other though guarded txt messages. So, In conclusion, forgive this jaded soul if he is a little sceptical.

In other news, tommorow is payday. I plan to have subway for dinner tonight, so as I can once again advoid the rigors of having to cook for myself, and therefore use up the last of my money. I am supposed to be saving for a scooter so I can travel someplaces, but this has not yet happened. But the fact that, for the first time in many weeks, I do not have any particular plans for this weeked. This means that I should hypothetically be able to save some money, but no doubt someone will persuade me to go out and put a bottle of wine or other toxic substance inside me. Really, I don't take that much persuasion.

Oh, and in other other news, My friend and me have a gig at Happy Bar on the 10th of August. Together, we form the two peice guitar band known as "The". I don't think Happy bar really knows what it is getting itself into, what with our eight song repitiour about tree love and drunken marrige proposals, but it should be fun night. Anyone is welcome to turn up, as long as they come suffecently prepared with and open, slightly intoxicated mind.

HAH! I'm skipping class to do this! So there, uni education!

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