Friday, July 11, 2008

Amazing occurances and Occular disturbances!

Look at the bottom of the last post I made. It seems as if someone reads this humble thing from time to time: and probably, since it has been so long since I've done any solid block of posts, this person, from america, is probably one of the few people who have seen any of the new posts. Holla Dave. Probably. But word will get around and people whom I know will read the blog again, I am sure.

People have told me to publish this thing, but what do all you think, mysterious quiet readers from perhaps beyond our my own easy shores?

Anyway, I'm other news, last post I forgot to relate something quite importaint. Importaint things have a habit of slipping my mind, which makes me such a good teacher.
Anyway again: when I stepped off the bus last night a found that due to a telecommunications malfunction there was noone to pick me up, I sent another of my hard earned text messages and as I waited on the corner for my escort another car pulled up next to the nearby public toilets. Out jumped young lady, as they do, and went into the toilets for the public. So far so good, it's what public toilets are for. But then I hear a shattering sound and out from the public toilets come that same lady I saw going into the public toilets but this time burdened with two rolls of public toilet paper.

Many people, some I even know, will not use public toilets. Of those that do, one of the common complaints is the quality of the toilet paper that one can so easily put a finger through and has a texture not unlike greased baking paper. It may have been done for a prank, and if so, tut tut indeed, someones house is now several meter the worse for low grade dunny paper, but if someone actually had to go into the public toilet and steal toilet paper for their own use...
I'm betting on the former rather than the latter because, after all, this is waipuk.
The other public toilet in wapukurau (yes, we have two!) has been subject to defeacements, beatings and a car running into it. After that last occurance the council decided that they would erect on the site a toilet made of steel and declare in the newspaper that the new "state of the art" toilet of publications was "invincible".
That night the toilet was dowsed in petrol and set alight.

In other news, today played scabble with mother and grandmother. I got all the vowels. My favourite board: I, I, I, U, U, K, Z.

If you can make a word out of those letters I shall buy you candy. So much candy.

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