Sunday, July 27, 2008

Argrah weeble deeb bloob

Came to waipuk on bus yesterday.

Had lunch with grandparents and extended family for grandparents 50th wedding annerversary.

Go back to wellington tommorow at 9am- staying awake now so I can sleep on the bus.

And now a word from my sponsers: The insanity demons.
"We ask you a question: is it insane to walk up to someone and ask them, quite polietly and perhaps holding a frozen fish stick in the manner of a microphone, ask them I do repeat myself but with deliberate effect, ask them if you are insane meaning am I insiane not are you insane because obvio0usly you would know if you were insane or would you for it follows that if I had to ask a complete strnger about the state of my thought jello while waving frozen fish products that you may, I state again, may have to ask someone else if you are insane.

It is a sobering thought indeed. I really hate this time. I am yes, as sober as I have been in monts, bored tired, finding my coherancy slipping, have just stayed awake to watch a test of rugby OF RUGBY a test of rugby. At 1am. Not alot of sports get mentioned here in this here blog because I do not care.

This is the third time I have listened to the dresden dolls albums today. I like their ability to shout. If there is nothing to shhout at they imagine the things that annoy them, and then shout. I should like to write the little (yet highly explosive) book of anger.

If you're feeling angry, stub your toe, then run down the street until you find that pet that your parents didn't get for your fourth birthday and kick it, with your sore toe, until it (the pet or your toe) bleeds.

Perhaps the little book of madness would be a better option. Anger is a far to considered and rational emotion, don't you agree? X happens, so you do X to Y, or possibly vice versa. Whereas madness is more a X happens and theirfore Y equals a mouse while you exist in a quatum certainty that both eats all the ice cream on the roof of your flat in your night gown screeaming obscenities at the kindergaten below. If mouse equals more than yesterday, you are wearing pants.

I have knots in my hair. I am only three bottles of wine and/or missed showers away from being your steriotypical rating, pantless madman.

Much like every saturday night.

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