Monday, July 07, 2008


Two months without doing one of these things. Unnacceptabblleee. So is my spelling. Always has been rather. This post may be slightly worse than usual because, even with my physical being wrapped in layers of clothing and a duvet, it is too cold to move my fingers properly.

Anyway, I guess everyone has been wondering what I have been doing reciently, yes? Well, the list of acheivements is not a short one, but here is a quick overview of my activities:
- finished my last TE
- finished all the assignments that I needed to do to complete my teaching diploma. SHould be getting the certificate of well done ness in the mail sometime soonish
- began a relationship.
- was dumped
- began the relationship again
- have been dumped again.
- drank
- had a few parties
The above list is not in any particular order, but you get the picture. Or a picture. Of the kind that your 3yr old spawn comes home from kindergaten waving proudly and you put it on your fridge even though the colours were horribly chosen and the people have no knecks. Or head. In fact, it is a picture of three blobs with four sticks attached standing beside a square.
Well, what is past is past- won't do us any good to dwell on such matters will it?
Perhaps a more pertinent question: What will I do now?
Well, although it may seem that the world is now the mollosc of my choice and I have obtained many of the knives in which I need to prise open the shell and eat the reciently living contents, I want to sit for a while. I will find myself some releif work at various schools so I do not starve but I don't want to move into full time work yet. I have been, now, in the education system of this country for a full 17 years- I need a break. I am tired. Sleep in until 1pm tired. Tired, in fact, to my bones.
And as they teach you in school, bones are importaint. It is time to drink my metaphorical milk, bandage and sling the fractures that I haven't had time to give due care to reciently. Let the bones rest in me closet.

Well, anyway, I now have a bit of time upon my hands. I want to go out and see some of those people I havent had much to do with reciently. I want to keep hold of the relationships that I have now, and I don't want to move much. Unfortunately, not all of these are complementary motives. I may, in fact, just have to get off my arse.

In other news: a man sould his soul on trade-me for $3001. Much of my brain power at the moment is going towards get rich quick schemes that can be propogated via the infinate potential of the internet, which, when you think about it, sells tons and tons of nothing much to tons and tons of people everyday. Some of my ideas are good. Many are bad.

FEAR! FEAR A FLAN WITH TIME UPON HIS HANDS! The Flan disaster meter has just been upgraded to mauve! Stay tuned to find out how high it climbs!

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