Thursday, July 10, 2008

Gah blah blah beh

Busses. Oh how I loathe long distance bus trips. This one was worse that the ole bus trips of yore for some reason: I slept for two hours (yes! less bus to remember!) but then for the final hour and a half my brain did that really cool "well, since I know I'm not to long away from getting off this thing I'm gonna look at my watch every minute and make the time strech out reeeeeeeaaally long" thing. And for some reason, once it got dark, the driver didn't put on the lights so what I did was I sat in the dark, not reading, not writing, just listening to the quiet scritchy sound of someones earphones and play "guess the song". I couldn't.

So now I am in Waipukurau. Why? Why not. I can do what I like. I'm a man now, I have insurance and everything. There is not much to do here that I couldn't do at home, except eat all my parents food, kind of as a "thanks" for supporting my through all these years at uni. And when I say all my parents food, you can be assured that I mean all my parents food, and then I shall knick some teaspoons ahahahahahaha!

I don't mind being back home, as long as I am not here for too long, but one thing I do mind is my parents reliance on the TV. All the time it is on. Tonight, we had a choice between watching Beach Patrol, the american version, wife swap, between an unhealthilly buff familly and a family of dwarves, and corronation street, the only soap opera to have a character be born, age and die in real time and still not have anything of note happen to them. I voted to turn the TV off, but my parents vetoed me and watched beach patrol. A man drove his boat onto the beach and the lifesavers pulled guns upon him. It was the best half hour of my life. Honestly.

So yes, TV sucks, and my parents decided not to have sky anymore so no cartoons for me. Just the hollow, empty expanse of the internet, where intellegent beings have not yet been found.

"Oh, a slight against internet denizens! Haven't heard that one before Flan!"

...Shut up.

1 comment:

daveawayfromhome said...

good to see you back, though the TV thing sounds grim. for fun anywhere there's always pounding your head on the wall (slowly, of course).