Saturday, July 12, 2008

I have a cat upon me

Yes, yes I do. I want a real cat though: not that this isn't a real cat, but this isn't really my cat. Its my sisters cat, and even though she dont live here anymore she wont let me take him away.
I like cats. They are just slightly more demanding females with slightly less yowling factor. And they hunt mice. The hauteaur factor is definately a plus as well. I have never had relationship anxieties with a cat- I've always known exactly where I stand.

Anyhoo, before this post gets freaky:

Sometimes I read over posts that I have made before, and that sometimes happened again reciently. I have noticed something: I seem to be a lot less bitter about things now than I was, say, three months ago, when I was comparing the circle of life with the circle of nature- two very, very different things. I do happen to wonder weather my angst will com eback again...I mean, In todays society, you are naked without your angst- and there are so many things to be angsty about: politics, relegion, poeple of the opposite sex, poeple of the same sex, lack of food, the eating of too much food, poeple of indeterminate sex, petrol, the eating of too many people... the list goes on and on. So what am I doing not being agnsty? And in Waipuk I canne drink as much as I would like, my relatives would stage an intervention...
Perhaps its because I;m in one of those "between spaces" I like so much. No job, no money, but i'm in a band. Hoorah.

Notice in the list above that no one complains about cats. Well, they do, but it's a short lived complaint. Viva los Cat!

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