Friday, November 18, 2005

Crotch Ball

The last two days of my life have been, without a doubt, the most exciting two days of my life.
I have been shopping, tasted canned coffee, walked around in a suit, seen crazy people ranting, been mistaken for a 30yr old, and met some Jehova Witnesses without my pants on. And been drunk. So much drunk.
But there were two things which stood out as major acheivemnts.
The first thing was being accepted into the summer creative writing course. Only 12 people get into it each year, and people think I am good enough! My heart swells with pride and my head with hot-air. Because I am great.
The other is the imvention of crotch ball.
You will need a tennis ball and two people, male. Both participants sit down and take turns bouncing the tennis ball with the hope of landing it in the others groin. You can bounce it high if you want to hurt the other person, or low for more accuracy and if anyone guards their regions the other person gets to take a free 'crotch shot' which has no bounce. The game ends when it becomes impossible for one participant to have children.
It's a fast paced game of strategy and skill that is sweeping the nation!

And you cant sue me because you dont know who I am!

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