Friday, February 24, 2006

Double post friday!

Thats right! Twice the flan-tastic exctiement today, to commemerate the fact that I cannot get on the intranet druring the weekend.
What I have planned:
The drinking has already started today, but soon I will be going to the bar that lives in the libary. It is odd that there is a bar in the libary, but just because you are too geeky to go outside doesn't mean you don't like to drink as well. Pleasure and fun abound!
After that I am going to Newtown, the suburb that is hady for nowhere, to listen to beatnicks do their poetry thing. More drinking. Perhaps I shall even amaze them all with my amazing talet at writing amazing poems and amazingly recite one of those amazing poems! No of this 'I am off to perform my poetry' clicking fingers bollocks. Bleeding heart emos abound!
Tommorow: You guessed it! DRINKING ABOUND! There is a dress up party at a freinds house in the most aro of valleys. The costume specifications is that your dress must start with 'p'. My freinds are going as 'poos' and 'perpetual motion'. I'll give you a cookie if you can guess what I am dressing up as! Clue: It starts with 'p'! Abound!
Sunday: I am proably due for a hangover sometime soon, so sunday will be spent getting over it. Should be a shocker!

so there we have it. I hope you have as much fun and excitement planned as I do. Pleasant whatevers! ABOUND!

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