Tuesday, February 28, 2006

university revolutions

No, I don't mean revolutions in the form of VIVA LOS WHATEVER, I mean, that it is all begining again. All the lectures, all the homework, all the readings, all the tutorials, all the people, all the poos. so much poos. I must train my bladder again to contain itself for hours at a time. This might seem easy for most of you, but I have the bladder the size of a walnut. A small walnut.
But enough about my oblutions. Me classes themselves seem like a good time, although they all do for the first week or two, just untill the period in which you can withdraw from class ends. Then the university, which is run by the dark lord satan, exchanges your fun and interesting lecturor who prepares for easch lecture with interesting and helpful powerpoints with an elderly man who seaks like he is prophesising doomsday through a long metal tube and you can only really hear him when his suddenly says : 'You, the boy in the black tee-shirt who smells like poo and cigaretts! What is your opinion on [insert term you have never heard of before]?'
Well, English is still better than Law, where if you sit in the wrong seat, they shoot you.


$320. But I am off to eastdie now. BWAHAHA!

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