Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Working for the weekend.

Well, Actually I am working for the Wednesday. Wednesday is when I get paid. I will get paid alot, because I have been working alot. Lots and lots. Tommorow, However, I still have to get through the Nine hour SHIFT OF DOOM before I can enjoy the fruits of my labour. But enjoy them I shal, and you will not be able to stop me. on Wednesday I shall eat food that has been prepared by someone else, for my eating pleasure, at some establisment, preferably with a glass of wine. And on Thursday me and a friend are going to go shopping (no, I don't care if you have no money, it WILL be a good time, damn it!) and I shall buy things that make me happy inside. I also have to go shopping for foodstuffs at some point, and I will welcome the change in diet, as I have been eating toast, toast, more toast and occasionally, 'bread', which is just meta toast anyway. On the weekend I shall buy some booze (but not too much!) play poker with my friends, watch movies and eat pizza. And then all my money will be gone. Souind like fun, no?
But today I have to go into town, to return some dvds. One was a alternative ending to the 'Neon Genisis Evangellion' seris made by Gainax. I would have liked to have been there when they pitched that idea.
'I need money for an alternative 'Eva' ending!'
'Go on...'
'It will be three hours long!'
'Sounds good, but we need something new...'
'Um, Ahh... well, we are going to put in a lot of naked people, and the main character will save humanity so he can first try and strange a giry, and then masturbate.'
'BRILIANT! Here's all the money you need!'
Bloody Gainax. You gotta whatch out where you stand with tho0se bastards. Sure, the original ending of Eva was pretty damn confusing, but it takes a special person to change 'confusing' into 'self-molestation'. They did it wit 'Beserk' as well. 'Beserk' was mostly normal, right up untill the last two episodes, when, out of the blue, tentacle rape aplenty.
Anyway, back to the moral of my story, I have to go into town to return these DVD's, so I though I would go and have a look through Te Papa as well. Just because I can. And because it is free.

Im so poor. I cannot even afford a pie.

1 comment:

J. Monkey said...

HAHA pie.

Go and check out my latest post on my forum, it explains where I have been.

Except we don't have pie.