Monday, May 01, 2006

scooter boi!

LOL and OMG! Boy howdy is all this living stuff tyring. I definately get enough sleep, but I am still tired! Bloody hell! Perhaps it has something to do with the six hour shift I just worked. Nah.
Anyway, my weekend was so very productive. After getting doubled on a scooter to my friends house (and let me tell you, having you feet dangled an inch form the ground while going uphill at 25k is no ride for the faint of heart) I have had alot of milk. I then hocked some books and bought some more milk. Ahh, milk. You make my bones strong and my bowels constipated. But there are worse things.
But I have something to tell you! Guess how much beer I had over the weekend! Two! Not two litres, kegs or stomach pumpings! No! Just two pints of beer. Over three days. Damn I'm good. Take that liver cancer1 I shall not submit to your juicy goodness as easilly as you expected! I will fight on!

Viva La Flan!

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