Monday, June 05, 2006

Me good ole ticky boo hey?

Heyzus Al'mi, ya Godam SoanBtch!
Thats what I said this weekend. Alot. This weekend has been filled with booze, town, parties, piza and other assorted mania. Alot of pool was played, but unfortunately, alot of booze was consumed at the same time, so the pool was of a mediocre standard at best. But stil fun.
It turned out, however, that the invitation by my friends to go to their place and drink and fun was simply a RUSE. A big ole ruse aimed at getting me to the flat so they could film me again, because apparently we haddn't quite finished last time. So that was the second night of the weekend I spent away from my bed. The day after I was hung over like royalty. And then last night I went to my other friends house to eat pizza and watch a movie called 'Wolf Creek'. Very much in the style of 'Saw' and all that crap. It's ok if you have nothing else to do. I don't.

Well, I have just finised tyding and rearranging my room. Now I have a desk to put my laptop on. The rest of the day is going to be dedicated to learning japanesse or writing. Or both. Fun.

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