Tuesday, April 11, 2006


nothing spoecial happening today! Nope, nothing at all. Just up at uni to have some kai and read a bit of Hemmingway, and thats about it really.
No strange dreams to report, no interesting thoughts, I'm just acting on auto right now, before I actually start my essays. Lalala.
How much do we rely on other people for support? even me, a self made hermit, cares deeply about what other people think about me. Just hearing another person call muy name in a crown, weather it be intended for me or not, is enough to set my heart racing. No matter what I am doing, it seems like my body is geared for other people.
The sad thing about this, however, is that I don't seem to have the social skills to actually pull of a decient conversation anymore, let alone start one up. Especially small talk. God i hate small talk. Unless i am really familiar with someone I just cannot keep it going.
Other Person: Hey, how's your day been?
Me: Oh, pretty good. Youself?
OP: Yeah. Nothing to complain about.
Me: ...
OP: So, I heard you have a job now.
Me: Yup.
OP: How is it?
Me: well, you know, pretty good.
OP: Good.
Me: ....
OP: ....
Me: well, I have to go...over here now.
And thats it. I am sure that I am supposed to find something to say in those little blank spaces of conversation, but I end up wondering weather the topics that I would introduce into the conversation would be actually worthwile or.. right? Damn, got no words at the moment.

See Ya. Gotta go... over there.

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