Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Squashed, painfull and bleeding chilli.

Woo, what a day! Ever tried to find out how much punishment you can inflict unto your body during one day? Well, I just have! Today was filled with disturbing and painfull experiances, those of which I will now recount to you. Because I have nothing better to do. Everyone is watching 'Bones'. I wnat to be watching 'All grown up', the cartoon where all the rugrats kids have grown up and are now going through the pains of adolescance! Today, Tommy had his first kiss! Ahh, I remember the days... Or I would, but I was drunk at the time.
Anywhoo, that was an interesting segway, wasn't it? But today I played squash. I had a game of squash on Monday, if you remember, and I still had not recovered from it. So today I decided to add injury to injury, and put my aching limbs through the rigours of sport! I quite like sport, it's just that I don't do it often, and so when I do compete I am reduced to a stiff and hobbled old man, complete with groans and mistrust for the young.
One of the fun things about being alone in a house is cooking for yourself. This isn't so much fun if you dont know how to prepare food. Today I had nachos for luch, and decided to make my own relishy stuff! It worked Ok, so you shold all try it too!
Flan's Relishy Nacho Topping Stuff Recipe!
Take a tomato. Put it in a bowl.
Add some Sweet Chilli Sauce.
Add some Garlic.
Add some Peas.
Add some Cauliflower. Mine had been cooked.
You should proably puree it, but I had no puree machine, so I mushed it with a fork.
If it looks a bit mushy, add some flour. And perhaps some soy sauce. I don't know why the soy sauce, but it tasted good .
Microwave more.
I swear to god that it tasted fine. And with all the vegies in it, it makes you feel less guilty about simply eating cheese flavoured chips with cheese topping.
But my day doesn't end there! No, I went to visit the blood suckers. It had been about two years since I had donated blood, mostly because the last time it happened I fainted. so I was kinda anxious about having my life juices stoled this time round. But my mother made me.
I don't like needles. I don't like blood. It's alright for my mother, she likes the blood .shes a nurse. She watches not only grapic medical dramas, but also graphic crime series. I watch cartoons. Lots or cartoons. I wish life was like the cartoons. As far as I know cartoons don't have to give blood. Did you know they take 10% of your blood? Thats like, 300 mls of blood I will never get back! But on the plus side, they gave me all the biscuts, because they were packing up, and I was a poor student.

I love karma.

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