Monday, April 10, 2006

Speed pool

Well, I was just having a game of speed pool with a workmate, and after the experiance decided that I would have to share it with all of you.

Speed pool is one of those spots on par with wobbly leg chair racing (where you race chairs with plastic legs down a hall bysitting on them and rocking from side to side, similar to chair rodeo), Hostel caving (where you try and burrow underneath all the debree of a room to find your bed) and office chair ten pin (needs 11 chairs set up like a boling alley. For extra fun, be on the chair as it is 'bowled'!).

In speed pool, the white ball is not allowed to stop. as a result, you end up racing around a table, sinking as many of your opponents ball as your own. Fun times in taho indeed. For extra fun, try using only one pool cue, pasing it back and forth between you! This elevates pool from a quiet, dignified spot to one that is athletic, and in some instances, a contact spot.


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