Friday, April 07, 2006

Le Carnage

French? I don't really know...

Anyway, last night, and all that ensured. To my great surprise, I didn't get too drunk make a fool of myself and then coma out in a park untill my drinking buddies called me a taxi. No, this time it was someone else who did that. Nor, however, did I ask hot chick out on a date. But that was ok. I drank alot of Gennius, spent alot of money, walked around with people untill 2am reciting poetry and talking about the mechanics of love, then watched about half of the 'English Patient' drinking coffee and eating biscuts and then went home for three hours of sleep in preperation for work.

and all is good in the world. I have my Joy back.

I don't know how it happened, but today I am joyful again. Life is bliss. So good did I feel that even though I was slightly hungover I decided to do an extra two hours at work, just to help out. There is alot to be joyful for, and I am 'digging' it. i have also been reading too much Jack Keuroac. And I am enjoying it some good.

This weekend I do not think I will do much. I have been invited to a party, but I am thinking that staying in bed and watching movies is a better idea. Also, I really don't have enough money to party successfully. sorry guys, I am sure your party will be fine anyway. I would have proably blown chunks all over your carpet.

I haven't thrown up in a year, by the way.

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