Sunday, August 20, 2006

I unripe for english speak

Last night I down loaded old ICQ, and had an entertaing time going through the chat rooms on said site. Because sometimes I have nothing better to do. Anyway. I logged into a channel called "#English", bucause it said that that was where people who spoke english met to chat. Kinda lame, but it sure looked better than the "#GayMen", "#13yrOldsWhoShopAtSupree", "#FearOfCommunism" and "#HornyPediophiles(60yrs+)" channels. One of these channels is not one I just made up! Try and guess which one. Hint: It's not #GayMen.
Where was I? Oh yes. I entered into the chatroom, the english speaking chatroom I have you know, because of boredom, and was shocked at the number of illiterate asian girls who messaged me. Perhaps I have some kind of field around me. A Forigen Affairs field. More likely, they were poor women (or possibly men- I am not sure about one of them) who want to migrate to New Zealand by way of marrage.
Of course, there is only one thing to do in a situation like that: chat them up.

In many ways I am a sad, lonely man.

Today, however, has been a different story. I have tidied my room. I have done a load of washing. I am mostly packed for my trip to Auckland tommorow. The sun has bee shining, and since I hadn't returned my libary book yet, I decided to do so and afterwards grap a beer from 'the brewery' and enjoy it in the sun. Then I bought sushi, and tried to enjoy that in the sun, but it was poo. So then I had roti chennai, and it turned out to be the most satisfying roti I have ever had. Huge chunks of potatoe and chicken (still the 3:2 ratio, however. Getting a dish of roti with 3 peices of chicken in it is one of my life's goals) and an extra peice of roti bread. Damn, I haven't been soo full since the time I was hungover and ate two roti chennai's one after the other. SO today was a great day to spend $15 in three hours. Oh so satisfying.

I need a new wallet. But wallets are expensive. And I don't really want to buy something to put my money in and then find that all my money has gone because of it. It just doesn't make sense.

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