Saturday, August 19, 2006

A lack of morning here.

Today is officially the first day of my holidays, and so I celebrated it in the traditional fashion: by not getting out of bed until the afternoon. A really, my day has not gotten any more exciting. I was supposed to go to the libary and return the doorstop that is "David Copperfield", still half unread, but I decided not to, on grounds of 'cannot be bothered. I have eaten nothing but taost today, taost being the easyest thing by far to prepare, and have successfully washed a load of washing for my trip away. I also did a bit of packing. Well, I put some DVD's in a bag. Talking of bags, I have made a startling discovery: Bag+Moisture+Leaving it in your closet for months= Mouldy bag. As a result, I am forced to take much of my colthing when I travel in Plastic bags from the mill. Luckilly, I have a great deal of those.
The only real thing of note I have done today, in fact, is watch "Some kind of Monster", the documentary about metallica's latest album. I am a big Metallica fan, but still, I have never really enjoyed the St. Anger album. Perhaps the fact that it is shit has something to do with it. Oh well. Anyways, the DVD was pretty good, all the behind the scenes action you can shake a stick at. A big stick too: the documentary is over 2 hours long.

Perhaps I might watch the "S&M" DVD I have. And I mean "S&M" as in Symphony and Metallica. Not anthing else. You sick bastards.

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