Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Robots and cyborgs are different.

It be wednesday. Wednesday is good. it be my money day. This means that I have had a drink. And it means that scrubs is on tonight. I love scrubs. i cannot function without scrubs. Scrubs is my life, my love, my everything. Scrubs in my true north. I shall watch Scrubs tonight, then I shall go to sleep.
In other news, I have a lot of money. I will have $200 for my trip top auckland, where considerably less is needed. Today at work was fun, if by "fun" you mean "busy", "exhausting", and "ungodly". Yes. But the week is now more than half over. I have two days more of work, no assignments to do and soon I shall be supping wine with like minded folks in auckland, and then I shall go home for all the sleep I can stomach and all the free food which isn't interupted by people getting up too early. Wait a minute...
You know, I haven't been to auckland in living memory. of course, this isn't saying my as my living memory streches back about one and a half days, but even so, I haven't been to auckland in at least ten years, possibly even more. And I have only ever been once. Al I really remember is that there is alot of it. Lots of cars. lots of road and lots of stress. Should be interesting. Especially since the people I will be visiting live in the western parts of auckland, where crime is keept down only by the inherrant stupidity and lazyness of its inhabitants. and still crime is quite high. And black. And bogan. And they throw rocks at you if you wear funny hats. Basically, I am going to where they keep the people of a society who should be in jail but the cops are kept out because they are scared. Like I say, Interesting. Y9ou better appreciate this Spasm, you are the reason I am comming. nothing else wouold get me out of my smelly, lonely bed. I mean, I could be watching scrubs DVD's for two weeks.

Scrubs, Scrubs, Whereforout thou my Scrubs? (By the way, that line is the most commonly misunderstood in Shakespeare. It means "Why are you called Scrubs" not "Where is my Scrubs" of course, I use it here in the mangled sense, because otherwise that last comment makes little sense. Everyone knows the show is called "Scrubs" because that is the name for the two-peice plastic-y suits everyone wears in a hospital. At least it isn't as bad as that new "Miami Vice" trailer. "badness" is not a word. Go buy yourself a dictionary, fuckers. And the definition of "Foreboding" is not "The feeling that badness s happening right now". No wonder this country is going straight to hell. Bloody hollywood.")

Yes... yes, I know. I need help.

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