Thursday, June 02, 2005

Life in the night

There is no one on MSN at Midnight these days! What is wrong with you people?
We must all be getting old. I remember the old days when I could spend many a night talking away to god konws who on the I-net, but now...
'Ohhh, it's almost five pm! must be getting to bed...'
Or perhaps all my freinds have blocked me. You bastards.

Anyway, tommorow I be off to the dentish to get my teeth drilled, and then Im off to the beach for a couple of days. Yay. The Beach. In Midwinter.
So not only will sand get everywhere, but it will be cold, wet sand.
Then again, I do like sand castles.
The point is that for about twenty-four hours this blog wont be updated. *Gasp!* *Shock!* How will you cope? How will I cope? I don't know about you, but without the unholy infusion of internet rantage that i've be getting once or twice a day I may just die. I am going to have to live off coffee alone.

But fear not. While you are waiting for my glorious return to civilisation you can go here:
As the name suggeests, this blog is about an unfaitful wife. I want you all to go here and post comments.
Some suggestions:
'If your husband is so great, stop throwing your vagina around' or...
'Women aren't really people anyway, so it's stupid asking if you are a bad person.'
... you know, just the usual. In not a christian and the 'sanctity of marrage' thing has been applied in some very odd ways, but that doesn't change the fact that cheating isn't a very nice thing to do.Especially not when you broadcast it over the net.

Oh, I got new shoes. I now longer have to wear plastic bags over my socks to keep the rain out. Always a plus.

Happy thursday.


J. Monkey said...

Dude, I just bought Pokemon Red, another Gameboy AND a Link Cable. I need to seek help...

It's just so I can trade Pokemon between the two, so I can start a game with ALL THREE ORIGINALZ OMG!!!1

J. Monkey said...

BY THE WAY I just left a comment at that Unfaithful Wife's Blog. You shouldn't give me ideas.