Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Don't stand to close, you'll catch it's stupid.

There is a lot of stupid out there. Like this joke!:

Q: Why is it easy to trick vampires?
A: Because they're suckers!

Let me tell you, when I heard that one I laughed for minutes!
But today I am not really going to be talking about the stupidness of 'fake lash' effect mascara or the complete uselessness of chocolate kettles. It fact, i am not going to complain about anything today.
'Why?' I hear you cry! 'No-one on the internet can resist complaining! You're annymous, so no one can seek you out and sniper you down! Don't let it go to waste!'
Well, im not going to complain about anything because im not going to do anything about it. I don't really care if George W. Bush is illiterate. Im not going to take time out of my day to educate him. Don't care if McD's serves burghers made out of pure fat, Im still not learning how to cook. I don't care if im poorer than Jesus, I am NOT GOING TO WORK! DONT TRY AND MAKE ME!
That is the only thing that really annoys me: whenever people find out that im unemployed they look at me as if i am a worthless bum. I am a worthless bum, of course, and I don't deny that. It's just that people should take time to know me before judging me. I might be devoting all my unemployed time to saving the enviroment. I'm not, infact every tuesday I start a small tyre-fire, but I could be. In fact, getting to know me is proably an exercise in futility, but at least it would stop you all from complaining about things that you are never going to be able to, nor try to, change.
And you stupid vampires actually read all this! Yahaha!

On the brighter side, Scrubs is on tonight. SCRUBS!!!! The guy who write for that deserves a star on hollywood boulevard. Not that bloody american idol vampire.

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