Monday, June 20, 2005


Once upon a time, long time pal of mine J.Monkey used to call himself 'Terros' and run around while wearing his undies outside his pants. And once upon a time, I had no life. So therefore:

Oh, I laugh so much! SO VERY VERY MUCH! Especially when I read this:

'well today has been such a weird day. i dont know whats going on. i cant make sense of anything any more.I am soo messed up.I just dont understand and i dont know y. Its my mind why dont i understand'

If I had a soul then I might find reading and exploiting others personal writings for my own amusement a bad thing. But I dont. If you are an emo, or dont want people to make fun of you because you are stupid, the the internet is NOT the place for you. Live Journals are funny. Go, serch your name and find out how much of a loser YOU are in another dimension!

And then salad happens.

1 comment:

Hinerangi said...

Blistering blue barnacles batman! It's from 2004! We were only 7th formers! Jeepers!