Sunday, June 12, 2005

Will I ever learn?

Only 15 hours untill my Shakespeare exam. Am I filling my time with the helpful cramming of plays? No. I am writing a blog, the composition of which would proably make good ole Bill spin in his grave with enough force to power Utah.
I don't know where Utah is, or what he does. But he sounds like he needs alot of power.
I shall be glad when the exams be over. That means I will have two weeks of not much doing. I do, however, plan to try and do physical activities when I return home for the break (If I am in the house populated with parentalls I can get free food and save the money for text books.) but those who know me know that that idea will proably just stay an Idea.
Just like me studying.

Nachos for dinner tonight. Great cheezy goodness. Orphen, the game, sucks. But if you ever manage to find the manga of 'Hellsing' you should be reading it. It's great!! Even if it does inculde Nazis as the geriatric bad guys, it is as bloody as hell! Good blood... I like to touch the blood.... BLOOD!

'I'd explain it to you, but I left my crayons in my other jacket.'

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