Sunday, June 05, 2005

The vertically chalenged

Last night I had anither dream.
I was in a room. Two walls of this room had crayons nailed to it. The two cyrayoned walls met, and the crayons were a darker colour at the corner. In this corner there was a barbers chair. It was an old red barbers chair- the type that looks like it was crossed between a dentists chair and a wheelchair and then had a ploe shoved up it's jacksie. In this chair was a midget.
I was in the sane corner, the midget was in the crayola corner.
Then the midget said to me:
'Don't fall in the water. We midgets dive in to try and save those who fall in, but it is the fairies who do all the work and you don't have one.'

thus the dream ended. I like these dreams.

In other news, I return to wellingtom tommorow, and I don't know what Rum is made out of. It don't stop me drinking it, though.

1 comment:

J. Monkey said...

That dream means you will die of cancer.